- daily water balance analysis 日水量平衡分析
- The results of water balance analysis were that the rainfall meet the requirement of 28.1% of water consumption of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica, 36.3% of Populus alba. 对3种乔木的耗水量和降水量进行水分平衡分析;结果表明:同期降水总量只能满足樟子松蒸腾耗水量的28.;1%25、新疆杨的36
- The system has the functions such as real-time rainfall analysis, evaporation analysis, calculation of surface runoff yield, water balance analysis, etc. 该系统具有实时降雨分析、蒸发分析、地表水产流计算、水量平衡分析等功能。
- Water balance analysis of Pishihang irrigation area in typical dry year and drought-resistance measure 淠史杭灌区典型中旱年水量平衡分析与抗旱措施
- After lunch came the daily water duty. 午饭后,照例是施水仪式。
- The Application of Rainwater Utilization and Water Balance Analysis in Design of Waterscape for Urban Gardens and Residential Subdivisions 雨水利用与水量平衡分析在城市园区水景设计中的应用
- Water Balance Analysis to Tree Strip's Micro-environment of Pinus tabulaeformis under Different Water-collecting Treatments 集水措施下油松植树带微域环境的水量平衡分析
- Water balance of irrigation reservoir. 以灌溉为主的水库来水和用水的水量平衡计算。
- Water balance analysis 水平衡分析
- Outdoors potted plants and baskets are the only plants that need daily water on the hottest, driest days of the summer. 户外的盆栽植物和种植篮在夏天的最热、最干燥的时候是需要每天浇水的唯一的植物。
- A monthly water balance model of the Tarim River mainstream is established based on the analysis of river discharge, evaporation, seepage and overflow. 摘要通过对河道水面蒸发量、渗漏量、漫溢量的分析,建立了以月为单位的塔里木河干流河道水均衡模型。
- Spend only a bottle, plus points Shimizu, a daily water can, for fear troubles enough time sorting plant. 只需一个花樽,加点清水,每天换水一次即可,适合怕麻烦又没时间整理植物的人。
- A monthly water balance model of the Tarim River mainstream is established based on the analysis of river discharge,evaporation,seepage and overflow. 通过对河道水面蒸发量、渗漏量、漫溢量的分析,建立了以月为单位的塔里木河干流河道水均衡模型。
- Highland water sources are not only good for supplying daily water of the local resident, but also valuable assets worth to treasure. 高地水源不仅供应当地居民日常用水,更是值得珍惜的宝贵资产。
- One of a pair of organs that maintain water Balance and expel metabolic wastes. 肾: 维持水的平衡和排除代谢废物的一对器官。
- Water balance of watershed ecosystem in river upper reaches of Nenjiang. 嫩江上游流域生态系统水量平衡的研究。
- Beijing also built a number of new water purification plants for daily water recycling, replaced dated equipment at its power plants and retrofitted gas stations citywide. 北京为了日常的水循环也建了很多的新的净化水厂,取代了发电厂陈旧的设备并且翻新了全市的加油站。
- There were differences of cumulative water consumption and daily water consumption among different growth stages, and the daily water consumption in filling stage was the highest. 各生育时期的耗水量和日耗水量在不同生育时期存在差异,其中以灌浆期春小麦日均耗水量为最高。
- Applied a novel machine learning algorithm-least squares support vector machines (LSSVM) into coal washery daily water consumption times series prediction. 摘要针对选煤厂日用水量时间序列的预测问题,提出应用最小二乘支持向量机(LSSVM)这一新的机器学习方法来实现日用水量的短期预测。
- The balance analysis based on the stochastic production simulation can find out the supplying and operating conditions of a system more pointedly. 电力电量平衡是电力系统规划设计最基本的分析方法,基于随机生产模拟的电力电量平衡分析能更深刻地揭示系统供求状况与运行状况。