- cytozyme ration for swine 日粮增酶
- cytozyme ration for ruminants 日粮增酶
- Mortgage is ration for first- time buyer. 抵押只限给初次购买者。
- Minn. pigs may have tested positive for swine flu. 明尼阿波利斯州:对猪进行检测,猪流感病毒可能呈现阳性。
- She lived in that gloomy tenement, a place not fit for swine. 她就住在那幢阴暗的,连猪圈都不如的公寓里。
- I am coughing and feverish. Should I be tested for swine flu? 我咳嗽发热了,需要做猪流感检测吗?
- Allocate rations for a week-long camping trip. 分配一星期外出野营的定额
- Allocate rations for a week - long campingtrip. 分配一星期外出野营的定额。
- Allocate rations for a week-long business trip. 分配一星期外出商务旅行的定额。
- "We had to go to half rations for awhile," said Mr Paschal, 32. “我们曾去一半的口粮片刻,说: ”逾越节, 32 。
- The nuts of forest trees accumulated on the ground, used especially as food for swine. 猪饲料堆积地上的树木的坚果,常用来作猪饲料
- Corn Farm: Corn makes slop for captives, plus beer and sea rations for pirates. 玉米田:玉米用来作俘虏吃的粗食,还可以制作海盗吃的啤酒和航海食品。
- But Ochoa, the farm manager, said no one from the government has inspected his farm for swine flu. 但农场经理奥乔亚说,政府并未派人检查他的农场。
- Screen printing is a main process of surface deco- ration for plastic parts in electronic industry. 丝网印刷是电子产品中塑料零件表面装饰的主要工艺之一。
- Dozens of Australians in quarantine in China for swine flu are likening the experience to being in jail. 在中国数十名澳大利亚人因猪流感而遭受检疫隔离,将该经历比作坐牢。
- The pound and a half of sundried salmon, which was his ration for each day, seemed to go nowhere. 巴克嘴馋,作为每天口粮的一磅半鲑鱼干似乎无济于事。
- Corn makes slop for captives, plus beer and sea rations for pirates. 玉米用来作粗食,还可以制作啤酒和航海食品。
- Vaccination for swine influenza only gives short term immunity, and the rapid development of new strains means vaccines would be rapidly outdated. 猪流感疫苗只能使猪群获得短期免疫;且由于毒株变异迅速;导致现有疫苗很快就会过时.
- NET,SQL Server2000 to create the equipment utilization ratio infor mation management system,and which can improve utilization ration for enterpris e resources. NET ,sqlServer2 0 0 0等最新的技术 ,研究、开发设备利用率信息管理系统 ,提高企业资源的合理利用。
- Abstract Abstract: Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (APP) is a very important respiratory pathogen for swine and causes great economic losses in pig industry worldwide. 摘要 摘要:胸膜肺炎放线杆菌(APP)是重要的猪呼吸道病原菌,给世界养猪业造成严重的经济损失。