- correction from sender 发报人更正
- Our handling of it was correct from the present perspective as well. 现在看,处理得也是正确的。
- In IP address, type the IP address of the computer that you want to exclude from Sender ID filtering. 在“IP地址”中,键入要从发件人ID筛选中排除的计算机IP地址。
- A Give the correct from of the verbs in parentheses. Do not refer to the passage until you finish the exercise. 用正确动词形式填空,完成练习后再对课文核对你的答案。
- How can I prevent someone from sending me Private Messages? 如何阻止某些用户发给我的私人消息?
- You know you can block those trolls from sending you mail. (你可以封锁那些讨厌的人寄来的邮件啊。)
- Removing inbound bindings (if any are present) from send ports, receive locations, and receive ports to send and receive pipelines... 正在删除从发送端口、接收位置和接收端口到发送管道和接收管道的入站绑定(如果存在)...
- Section 63A prohibits a corporation from sending unsolicited credit cards. 第63条A禁止公司主动提供信用卡。
- Q21: Can I prevent this tool from sending information back to Microsoft? 问21:我可以防止该工具发送信息给微软吗?
- The ability to develop alternatives is often as important as selecting correctly from among them. 通常,构想各种可行性方案的能力,同正确地从它们当中进行选择具有同等的重要性。
- Correct ideas come from social practice. 正确的思想来自社会实践。
- In Sender ID and Connection Filtering Configuration Settings, the IP addresses that you configured to be excluded from Sender ID filtering and connection filtering are displayed. 在“发件人ID和连接筛选配置设置”中,将显示您配置为从发件人ID筛选和连接筛选中排除的IP地址。
- His premonition kof disaster was correct from the beginning;and like a ranting actress in an indifferent play, I might say that we have paid for freedom. 他对灾难的预感打一开始就是灵验,而我呢,不妨效法一出戏里的女戏子,装腔作势地嚷嚷,宣布我们为自由付出了代价。
- The judge said he would forbear from sending her to prison, on condition that she promised not to steal again. 法官说他可以不送她进监狱,条件是她必须保证以后不再偷窃。
- According to Midrash, what was interesting about the lettering was that it was able to be read correctly from both sides. 按照犹太法学博士的圣经注释,关于所刻字母的解释为从两侧可以正确读。
- The method for finding the levelling refraction correction from the magnitude of vibration of arod scale image is developed here, and the problems in applying the method to levelling observationsare resolved. 本文提出了根据水准标尺的影像跳动幅度计算水准折光改正的方法,并且解决了在实际中应用该方法的一些具体问题。
- He beckoned to me from across the street. 他在马路对面向我招手致意。
- Don't buy a used car from that rogue. 别从那无赖手里买旧车。
- He is sprung from noble ancestors. 他出身名门。
- He sometimes lapses from good behavior. 他有时候会行为失检。