- Stored value Ticket Usage System 储值票使用系统
- Lo Wu stored value ticket 罗湖储值票
- Boxing is used to store value types in the garbage-collected heap. 装箱用于在垃圾回收堆中存储值类型。
- In this heat every extra gesture was an affront to the common store of life. 在这酷热的大气,每一个多余的手势都是滥用生活的公有财富。
- Many retailers also sell stored value cards in place of gift certificates. 许多零售商也出售储值卡代替礼券。
- You can store values in view state as well. 也可以使用视图状态来存储值。
- This update addresses this issue and will not move duplicate files with Extended Attributes into the SIS common store. 本更新程序可以解决该问题,并且不会将具有扩展属性的重复文件移动到SIS公共存储中。
- To validate credentials, the user password is hashed using the MD5 algorithm and compared to the stored value. 为了验证凭据,将使用MD5算法对用户密码进行哈希运算并将计算出来的值与存储的值进行比较。
- Enhancing the standards of emerging banking services such as e-banking and stored value cards. 加强电子银行及储值卡等新兴银行服务的标准。
- The Review supports the promotion of competition in the use of stored value card schemes. 检讨亦支持储值卡计划在使用上应鼓励竞争。
- Note that each stored value includes both a date component and a time component. 请注意,每个存储值均同时包括日期组件和时间组件。
- A new stored value card, called e-PARK card, was introduced in April for use on electronic parking meters. 一种名为“易泊卡”的新储值卡,已在一九九八年四月推出,供驾车人士使用于电子停车收费表。
- The most common types are String, Integer, and Boolean, but you can also store values as Color, Object, or as a connection string. 最常见的类型有String、Integer和Boolean,但也可以将值存储为Color、Object或连接字符串。
- For example, a lookup field may store an employee's ID number (the stored value), but it displays the employee's name (the displayed value). 例如,查阅字段可能会存储员工的ID号码(存储值),但是它会显示员工的姓名(显示值)。
- These include putting the process to prepare the annual estimates online, developing systems to allow departments to place orders online for common store items and for printing Government publications. 这包括以电子方式编制周年财政预算,发展资讯系统以便部门可以电子方式落单订取物料和印制政府刊物。
- However, you can change the precision of calculations so that Excel uses the displayed value instead of the stored value when it recalculates formulas. 但是,您可以更改计算的精度,以使Excel在重新计算公式时使用显示值而不是存储值。
- Variables are used to store values of data structures. 变量是用来存储数据结构内容的。
- When you use a lookup field in expressions or in find and replace operations, you use the stored value, not the displayed value. 在表达式或在查找和替换操作中使用查阅字段时,所使用的是存储值而不是显示值。
- Knowledge without common sense counts for little. 光有学问而无常识,则这种学问无甚价值。
- The machine induces an electrical circuit in the NFC device, which allows a short exchange of data to effect a transaction, such as deducting a fare from the stored value. NFC设备内部发生电流感应,造成了影响交易的短时数据交换,比如从储蓄值中扣除某种费用。