- It's a nuisance to have so many commercial break on tv. 电视里程有这么多商业广告穿插在节目中,实在讨厌。
- I do not like so many commercial breaks on TV. 我不喜欢电视上有这么多商业广告。
- I don't like so many commercial breaks on TV. 我不喜欢电视上有这么多商业广告。
- During a commercial break,he reached over and gave me foot a gentel squeeze ."Mmmm,"I said."That's sweet. 在广告休息期间,我丈夫把手伸过来,在我的脚上温柔地捏了一把。
- It's a nuisance to have so many commercial breaks on TV. 电视里程有这么多商业广告穿插在节目中,实在讨厌。
- American TV has a large number of commercial breaks. 美国电视中充斥着大量的插播广告。
- I watched about 5 minutes total of the NBC broadcast during commercial breaks from CBC's live coverage last night. 昨晚CBC广告间歇我看了5分钟NBC的直播。
- The machine must break down at this busy hour. 正忙的时候,机器偏偏又坏了。
- Be aware that your mind contains enough material to keep you amused all day.It`s like an inner sitcom that can entertain you for days on end,without any commercial breaks! 一定要意识到你的思想包含着足够的东西;来满足自己一天中的要求.;它就如同是个内部的连续剧;能够使你一天都这样的快乐;不受任何公事上的打扰!
- Yet advertising wares during commercial breaks in programmes with an erotic theme can be tricky: the minds of viewers tend to be preoccupied with what they have just seen and the advertisement is ignored. 然而电视剧目之间带有性暗示的插播广告不见得有效:因为观众的思维仍然沉滞在所看的剧情中,对广告视而不见。
- Mick is the last man to break his word. 迈克绝不是不守承诺的人。
- He refused to break bread with his old enemy. 他拒绝与他昔日仇人共餐。
- The stricken tanker began to break up on the rocks. 油轮被击中后撞上礁石,毁了。
- For the first time in TV history, Nielsen Media Research will provide ratings for commercial breaks, measuring the average viewership for all national spots that run during a program. 尼尔森媒介研究将开创历史地对所有在节目当中插播的全国广告的平均收视人数进行测量,提供广告片的收视率。
- It is unlucky to break a mirror. 打破镜子被认为是不吉利的。
- He sat under the linden to take a break. 他坐在菩提树下休息。
- I break away from her and race for the door. 我一下挣脱她,朝门口奔去。
- I must be at Hudson before I break my fast. 吃早饭之前,我肯定已到哈得逊区。
- I've decided to break with Silvia once and for all. 我决定同西尔维亚彻底绝交。
- At first Reuters dealt with, commercial new. 最初路透社只办商业新闻。