- Jim likes to come out strong whenever he gets a chance. 吉姆一有机会就喜欢出风头。
- But on occasions such as the present Mr. Plomacy came out strong. 可是遇到象当前这样盛大的时刻,普洛麦西先生总是十分得力的。
- Keith Ablow Says Many Couples Can Work Through Infidelity and Come Out Stronger Keith Ablow. 认为:许多经历不忠行为的夫妇,以后的婚姻更稳固。
- You have been selected for the MISE program and the assessments predict that you can make this transition and come out stronger on the other side. 你被选出来参加MISE课程,你被评估胜任这种(职业)转换,各方面你将更强。
- Most business leaders came out strongly against the plan. 绝大多数企业领导人公开表态,强烈反对这个计划。
- While indicators for manufacturing like the ISM came out strong, consumer confidence surprised on the downside and housing market data continues to be weak. 虽然诸如ISM的制造业指标强劲,但消费者信心却出人意外的下滑,而楼市仍然疲软。
- Salomon flow rider Sean Kelso came out strong in his heat too, as he and Chris showed that they both live on probably the most progressive street in rollerblading now. Salomon队的领队Sean Kelso在他们的那场比赛中表现也不错,因为他和Chris都表明现在他们都把经过改革的街道自由式当作生命。
- The rose sends out strong fragrance. 玫瑰散发出浓郁的香味。
- I can't get this screw to come out of the wall. 我无法把这颗螺丝钉从墙上取出。
- Two cotyledons have come out from the seedling. 小苗长出了两片子叶。
- Jean has come out in spots so she's staying in bed. 琼身上出现斑点,所以正卧床休息。
- Hot weather makes her come out in a rash. 因天气炎热,她起了皮疹。
- Her mouth open and shut, but no sound come out. 她的嘴张开又闭上了,没有发出声音。
- He has just come out of small-pox. 他的天花已痊愈了。
- You try and persuade her (to come out with us). 你去试试劝她(跟我们一起出去)吧。
- This cash register must have come out of the ark. 这台现金出纳机肯定是很老式的。
- Do you all come out for this candidate? 你们都表示支持这位候选人吗?
- Generally magazines come out at stated periods. 一般来说,杂志定时出版。
- But the Brazilians came out strongly in the 2nd half and equalized with 2 goals by player-of-the-tournament Luis Fabiano in the 46th and 74th minutes of the game. 然而巴西队在下半场逐渐强大起来,由联赛队员法比亚诺凭借46分钟和74分钟的两粒进球将比分扳平。
- But the Brazilians came out strongly in the second half and equalized with 2 goals by player-of-the-tournament L.F. in the 46th and 74th minutes of the game. 但是巴西球员在下半场表现生猛,由L.;F