- After a long coma the sick man slowly came back. 昏睡了好久以后,那个病人慢慢地恢复了活力。
- coma paraproteinemicum 副蛋白血性昏迷
- Diabetic patients; a diabetic coma. 糖尿病病人; 糖尿病昏迷,
- He was in a coma for days, but now he's (fully) conscious again. 他昏迷了几天,但现在又(完全)清醒了。
- Radial distances from CP or CL are too short. 从投影中心或投影中线的辐射距离太短。
- The patient rallied from the coma. 病人从昏迷中苏醒过来。
- Read CP on Writing up Research, pp. 199-216. 阅读课程袋第196~216页“研究写作”。
- After she drank the poison she went into a coma. 她喝下毒药后就昏迷了。
- What's the importance to you of being a CP member? 党员的身份对你有什么重要性?
- He went into a coma at 2: 30 in the morning. 他在早晨两点半陷入昏迷。
- Read CP, pp. 219-20 on Poster Sessions. 阅读课程袋第219~220页,关于“图像式思考”。
- He was in a coma for several weeks. 他昏迷了几个星期.
- Follow and monitor CP implementation status. 跟进和监控CP执行的状况。
- The patient entered into a deep coma. 病人陷入极度昏迷的状态。
- Axis Propaganda CP reduced to 2 points from 3. 心战宣传消耗点数从3降低为2。
- This helps to bring patients out of coma. 这药可以使病人从昏迷状态中苏醒过来。
- Monitor process follow CP requirement. 监控生产过程符合控制计划要求。
- Daddy lingered in a coma for several days. 爸爸昏迷了数日。
- "Live updates of sector required by CP. "需要CP对区域进行更新监视。
- Laine-zy Gurl on Is Cerebral Palsy (CP) genetic? 脑性麻痹症是否会遗传?