- Dutch physicist. He won a1953 Nobel Prize for developing the phase contrast microscope. 泽尔尼克,弗里茨1888-1966荷兰物理学家,因发明相衬显微镜而获得了1953年的诺贝尔奖
- I like the color contrast of red next to yellow. 我喜欢那种红色旁边放黄色的反差色。
- Draw the simple design around the baseboard with a catchy color contrast. 用醒目的颜色在踢脚板上画好简单的设计。
- The color contrast of hue, registral decided to distance in a opposite points. 色不绝不不不差比的不不不不弱不不不弱不决于色相在色环上的间隔。
- Furthermore, sugarcane ratoon stunning disease pathogen can be rapidly detected by means of television phase contrast microscope and PCR. 利用电视相差显微镜和PCR技术结合能快速诊断甘蔗宿根矮化病。
- Some colors contrast and some harmonize. 有些色彩对比鲜明,有些则比较和谐。
- BM-9 Phase contrast microscope is widely used in biology, bacteriology, histology, pharmaceutical chemistry, such as research work. BM-9相衬显微镜广泛应用于生物学、细菌学、组织学、药物化学等研究工作。
- Automated testing using He-Ne scattering light device was set up. HfO_2/SiO_2 coatings were tested, and compared with plasma spark method and phase contrast microscope method. 组建了符合国际规范的He-Ne散射法在线检测损伤系统,对HfO_2/SiO_2高反膜、增透膜进行了阈值检测,并与等离子体闪光法及Nomarski 相衬显微法对损伤的判断做了比较。
- Methods DRG neurons of Wistar rat embryos were cultured without or with GDNF (5?ng/mL, 50?ng/mL) for 72?h.The living cells were observed by an inverted contrast microscope. 在神经损伤和炎症等病理情况下,GDNF可影响神经元的表型、神经递质的释放、神经元的功能等特性[1]。
- The charm of color in a painting consists in color contrast for harmony or beauty cant be found in an isolated color. 摘要绘画艺术中色彩的魅力来自于色彩对比,独立的颜色谈不上和谐与美丽。
- The color contrast of thing is very big, the Zhu Se attune of thing is gules, white, black. 物件的颜色反差很大,物件的朱色调为红色、白色、黑色。
- But Xiejian and vamps the color contrast is very clear,却使feet look smaller more Xiuqi. 但是鞋尖和鞋面的颜色对比很鲜明,却使脚看起来更小更秀气。
- If you can't detect this color contrast with the eye alone, try looking at Saturn and Spica with binoculars. 如果你只是用肉眼观察不出这种颜色的差别,那么就用双筒望远镜吧。
- Inhibitation experiment of HCPT/PEG-PBLG nanoparticles to Tca8113 cells in vitro:The morphologicchange,characteristics of growth and transmitgration of the cell were studied under inverted phase contrast microscope and TEM. HCPT/PEG-PBLG 纳米微球对Tca8113细胞体外抑制实验:Tca8113细胞经与HCPT/PEG-PBLG 共同培养,透射电镜、显微镜观察细胞形态学改变。
- Marks to be painted with color contrasting with primer. 标识用漆应采用与底漆有反差的颜色.
- The results of the inverted phase contrast microscope showed that successive layers of epithelial cells could be cultured on the air liquid interface,and the joint of cell and carrier was firm. 倒置显微镜观察,气液界面培养可以形成连续的上皮细胞层,细胞和载体之间连接较牢固。
- Careful observation, cobblestone chosen are black or dark brown, beige and shallow stone lights, a color contrast Shek tanks. 细心观察,鹅卵石选用的都是黑色或深褐色,与浅米色的石灯、石缸形成色彩对比。
- The morphology and arrangement of cultured cells were observed under inverted phase contrast microscope and SEM, while the biocompatibility of the parallel-arranged scaffold with L6 cells was ob... 结果1天后,细胞在支架材料表面黏附、伸展,随时间的延长,显示出沿支架材料纵轴排列趋势,第6天的时候,可以见到类似肌小管的结构。结论:所制备的具有平行结构的支架材料具有良好的生物相容性。
- The white strip belt and spheroid color contrast are intense, and difference between ball with strip belt and the panchromatic ball is obvious. 白色条带与球体颜色对比强烈,与全色球区别明显。
- BM-9 Phase contrast microscope for the enterprise, medical and health agencies, environmental protection units, laboratories, research institutes and institutions of higher learning and other units. BM-9相衬显微镜适用于企业、医疗卫生机构、环境保护单位、实验室、研究所及高等学校等单位。