- collor comparator 比色器
- I got lost in the cammed compar ment. 我在拥挤的车厢里,迷失了方向。
- The output of the multiplexer goes to one of two comparator inputs. 输出的多路到两个比较投入。
- The next stages are a detector, integrator and comparator. 下一阶段是一个探测器,集成和比较。
- One example is the phase comparator of a phase locked loop. 一个例子是相锁环状态下的相位比较器。
- Methods Using collor Doppler ultrasonograph to check the bloodstream of the normal and the PIH fetal umbilical artery and cerebri media artery,and then analyse it. 方法 对正常胎儿和妊高征胎儿应用彩色多普勒检测脐动脉、大脑中动脉血流并进行相关分析。
- The comparator controlling circuit and detecting circuit are analyzed. 对加热控制电路和检测电路进行了分析;
- The partial opening of the economy in 1990 by the debonair Fernando Collor, who was later impeached for corruption, shocked industry into modernisation. 1990年殷情的FernandoCollor部分的放开了经济,从而将工业带入到了现代化。之后,FernandoCollor因腐败而受到指控。
- The far-field beam shape at different time were obtained and compar... 这说明弱可压缩流计算模型能较好地适应内通道光传输问题的仿真研究。
- The comparator treatment group received oral capecitabine for 6 cycles. 对照治疗组口服卡培他滨6个周期。
- The lower comparator in the old 555 may have quite a long storage time. 低速比较器在老的555电路中可以获得很长的存贮时间。
- Side effects like skin rash and conjunctivitis occurred at low frequencies similar to placebo or comparator drugs. 副反应像皮疹,结膜炎发生率较低,类似于安慰剂或者对照用药。
- I entered all of the information cards from the club jar as writing samples into the spec comparator. 我把俱乐部那个瓶子里所有信息卡上 的笔迹输进了比较仪
- Instead of using the deep if-else block or lookup Map, create a comparator to deal with the ordering. 来处理排序方式,而不是使用大块的if-else语句块或者。
- For a fixed clock frequency, the extra count or counts caused by comparator delay will be constant and can be subtracted out digitally. 对于一个固定的时钟频率,由比较器延迟所引起的额外的一个计数或一些计数将是常数,而且该数字可以被减去。
- RESULTS:After use of drugs,the SBP,DBP,HR,PCWP and TPR significantly decreased in compar... 结论:利喜定与多巴酚丁胺联用治疗重症急性充血性心力衰竭有明显疗效。
- In these trials, 15 560 patients were assigned to rosiglitazone and 12 283 received placebo or an active comparator. 在这些试验中,15560名受试者被分配到罗格列酮组,12283接受安慰剂或活性对比药物组。
- This paper introduces a hysteresis comparator whose output can be delayed when the input signal is in rising time. 本文提出了一种在输入信号上升延迟滞的比较器电路。
- You also have the ability to set one of your own voice maps to be the comparator. 你也可以把你独有的语音图谱设置为一个比较器。
- Water and sky are of the same collor 水天一色