- Water has a variable coefficient of expansion. 水的膨胀系数是可变的。
- coefficient of photocurrent 光电流系数
- Water is variable in coefficient of expansion. 水的膨胀系数是可变的。
- Functional coefficient of biological cycle: FCBC. 生物循环功能系数。
- Also ow coefficient of surface friction. 较小的表面摩擦系数。
- In 3xy,3 is the coefficient of xy. 在3xy中,3是xy的系数
- In 3xy, 3 is the coefficient of xy. 在3xy中; 3是xy的系数.
- The housing has a higher coefficient of expansion than the ring. 壳体比圆环具有较高的膨胀系数。
- The larger the coefficient of friction is, the larger TAZ becomes. 摩擦系数越大,热影响区越大。
- Based on comparison coefficient of organic geochemical param... 结果表明,西北地区主要盆地煤具有较好-好的生烃能力。
- The thermostat is based on the fact that different metals have different coefficients of expansion. 恒温器是以不同的金属有不同的膨胀系数这一事实为根据的。
- Before this period, there is a positive deviation of photocurrent and the linear relationship does not hold. 在膜基本形成前, 则光电流之值较大, 偏离正比关系。
- Effects of photocurrent multiplication in HgCdTe photodiodes at high temperature target[J]. 引用该论文 王晨飞;王庆学;李言谨.
- This gives the following on grouping like coefficients of X. 这样得出下面像x的系数一样数组。
- The price elasticity coefficient of demand was -0.427 3 in CMS. 农民对合作医疗的需求价格弹性系数为-0.;4273。
- Drop of differential resistance results from the effect of photocurrent multiplication,which is due to the electron impact ionization when photocurrent-generation proliferates. 关键词 光电倍增;
- Sticking Coefficient of As in molecular beam epitaxy of HgCdTe [J]. As在HgCdTe分子束外延中的表面粘附系数.;红外与毫米波学报);
- Smoother vehicles may have drag coefficients of the order of 0.55. 光滑飞行器的阻力系数可能为0.;55量级。
- The coefficient of correlation, R, is obtained by taking the square root of R2. 相关系数R是通过把R2开平方根求得的。
- Based on the theory analysis of photocurrent distribution in the base region of color sensor, it can be found that the impurity concentration and the junction depth arc the main factors. 在对器件基区中光生电流分布规律进行理论分析的基础上,得出硅双结型色敏器件中掺杂浓度和两个结的结深是影响光谱响应范围的主要因素。