- The sympodial ramets hold the dominant status in the clone growth of the A. fargesii clonal population. 巴山木竹无性系种群的克隆生长型中以合轴型分株占主导地位。
- On the basis of investigated materials in the plot, the dynamics of edge dispersal of Hippophae rhamnoides subsp. sinensis clone population was studied. 以样地调查资料为基础,分析了中国沙棘无性系种群的林缘扩散规律及其生态学意义。
- The system could move forwards at the speed of 1 m/a or the patches shifted their sites each other, which led to the clone population and maintained its stable state in even large area. 同时,林缘扩散种群具有密度大、生产力高等特征,但其生物量积累和自然稀疏过程与有性植物种群具有相同的规律。
- Modules of vegetative ramets of the clonal population consisted of four age classes, while modules of reproductive ramets consisted of three age classes in the flowering and milk stages. 结果表明,在花期和乳熟期,宽叶篙营养分株构件均由4个龄级组成,生殖分株构件均由3个龄级组成。
- Phytocoenosium and population use quanlity redundancy as resistant to perturbation,the organ or clone populations use quantity redundancy as maintaining numberous constance. 群落或种群以质量冗余来抵抗干扰,无性系种群或器官则以数量冗余来保持其数量上的衡定。
- The variation between and within the three types of clonal populations studied (viz. China, Assam and Cambod type) are 63% and 36% respectively. 在三个种质类型(viz.;China;Assam and Cambod type)之间及内部的变异程度分别为63%25和36%25。
- Clonal populations from individual stem cells could form neuron-, astrocyte-, and adipocyte-like cells upon inducted differentiation. 自单个干细胞而来的细胞克隆在不同条件诱导下可以形成神经元样、胶质样及脂肪样细胞。
- With artificial fertilization,the morphological responses of experimental clonal populations of Glechoma longituba on different nutrient supply conditions were studied. 通过人工施肥的方法,对活血丹无性系实验种群在不同养分供应情况下的形态特征进行了研究。
- A. tatifolia clonal populations were sampled in weedy meadows of the Songnen plains of China by digging up to investigate structures and productivities of ramet modules. 采用单位面积挖掘取样,对松嫩平原杂类草草甸宽叶篙无性系种群进行了结构和生产力分析。
- The age structures of the tillers and some quantitative characters of the clonal populations of the L.chinensis in different interference conditions were comparatively analysed in this paper. 各样地在月份间年龄结构的波动均无规律性,表明羊草无性系种群分蘖植株的年龄结构在生长季内相对稳定。
- Clonal growth pattern of Pleioblastus maculata clone population 斑苦竹无性系种群克隆生长格局动态的研究
- The Spatial Pattern of Arundinaria fargesii Clone Population 巴山木竹无性系种群的分布格局
- This city has a population of more than 1,000,000. 这个城市人口超过一百万。
- A desert has no settled population. 沙漠没有固定的居民。
- There was a steady increase in population. 人口在不断增长中。
- What is the population of this country? 这个国家的人口是多少?
- Disease has decimated the population. 疾病使大部分人死亡。
- The population of the island has sunk from100 to20. 这个岛上的人口从容不100人减少到了20人。
- What is the population of Ireland? 爱尔兰人口有多少?
- There was a swell in the city's population. 该市出现过人口膨胀。