There is no doubt that the actual cost figure will be significantly lower than the commissions and clearing fees incurred for SES stock trading. 一般而言,期货交易费用的低廉绝对是依交易值抽成取佣的股票交易无法望其项背的。
He also is expected to ask the CFTC to impose stiffer trading limits on the Nymex contract that can be settled with physical delivery. 他也希望美国商品与期货交易委员会能对纽约商品交易所进行的实物交割合同加以更严格的限制。
Most open-outcry and electronic trading facilities are supported by computer-based component systems for the order-routing, execution, matching, registration or clearing of trades. 大部分的公开报价和电子交易设备都是由电脑集成系统控制的,这些系统可以执行定单传输,交易,配对,登记或是清算。
The Futures Exchange, the buyer or seller in the transaction, the liquidation of its trading center on the other side, the futures contract until the actual delivery date. 期货的买方或卖方在交易所成交后,清算中心就成为其交易对方,直至期货合同实际交割为止。