- Professional Development through Classroom Action Research 课堂教学行为研究与外语教师的自我发展
- classroom action research 教学行动研究
- How to carry out the Action Research? 二、如何实施行动研究?
- Action Research on Maths Class in the U.S.A. 美国小学数学课堂上的行动研究。
- Action Research: A New Research Paradigm? 行动研究:一种新的研究范式?
- The paper introduces the function of action research and feasibility of its application in classroom instructional design. 介绍了行动研究法的作用以及运用行动研究法应用于课堂教学设计的可能性。
- The research adopted the qualitative research and action research. 本研究采用社会科学研究中日益兴起的质的研究方法和行动研究的方法。
- This collaborative action research project was conducted in a third-grade classroom with 17 Amis pupils, whose most developed form of intelligence was presumed to be musical intelligence. 本研究以 字诀、字谜、朗读、套曲、背景音乐等音乐智能学习与教学策略搭桥学童习写国 语生字与理解课文内容。
- The purpose of this study is to investigate the influences of classroom drama on disadvantaged elementary school students' perceived ownership and social utility of English through action research. 摘要本研究透过行动研究探索英语教室戏剧活动对弱势国小学童觉知之英语拥有感与社交功能之影响。
- It can be described as praxis, critical pedagogy, or critical action research. 可以把它称为“批判性教学法”,“批判性行动研究”,或(哲学意义上的)“实践”。
- McNiff. J. Action Research in Organisations [M]. London: Routledge, 1998 . 王蔷.;英语教师行动研究从实践到理论[M]
- This unique tie between theoretical academic studies and field-based action research is one of the continuing allures of the program. 本系提供将理论学术研究和田野调查研究结合的机会,也是最吸引人的特色之一。
- Wallace, M. J. 1998. Action Research for Language Teachers [M]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 王蔷,2002,《英语教师行动研究》[M],北京:外语教学与研究出版社。
- Jean McNiff,Pamela Lomax &Jack Whitehead(1996).You and your action research project. NewYork: Routledge. 吴美枝、何礼恩译(2001)。行动研究:生活实践家的研究锦囊。嘉义市:涛石文化。译自
- McNiff, J. 1988. Action Research: Principles and Practice [M]. Macmillan Education. 裴娣娜.;1998
- The late boy made a beeline for his classroom. 迟到的男孩抄捷径跑去上课。
- McNiff, J. 1988. Action Research: Principles and Practice [M]. Macmillan Education. 裴娣娜.;1998
- Rather the practicum follows a participatory action research model whereby students work hand-in-hand with LCW members. 这个实践课程遵循行动分享研究模型,学生们将与劳伦斯社区工作公司成员并肩工作。
- McTaggert &Kemmis.1983.The Action Research Planner[M].Deakin Unversity Press,Geelong,Australia. 刘润清.;2004
- A group of boys dashed out of the classroom. 一群男孩子从教室里冲出来。