- civilian nuclear equipment 民用核设备
- To let India secure international help for its civilian nuclear reactors while retaining its nuclear arms. 允许印度在保留核武器的同时获取民用核反应堆方面的国际援助。
- Instead of pursuing inherent safety, the budding civilian nuclear industry followed Rickover into fuel rods. 当时处于萌芽期的民间核能发电业不愿追求反应堆本质上的安全性,反倒采用了李科佛使用燃料棒的构想。
- The civilian nuclear cooperation deal with the United States proposed in 2005 typifies this new tack. 印度“东望”政策让它进入东南亚市场,抵消中国的影响力。
- But US-Indian civilian nuclear energy accord has very negative impact on the international nonproliferation regime. 但是,美印民用核能合作协议对国际核不扩散体制产生了极其恶劣的影响。
- In 1985,China declared that it would of its own free will submit part of its civilian nuclear facilities to the IAEA for safeguards. 1985年,中国宣布自愿将部分民用核设施提交国际原子能机构实施保障监督。
- Leak before break (LBB) is an important Concept for assessing pressure vessels and nuclear equipment. 摘要破前漏(简称LBB)是压力容器、核电站设备结构设计与评价中的一个重要准则。
- President Bush rules out helping North Korea build a civilian nuclear reactor for electricity until it dismantle s its nuclear weapons programmes. 布什总统表示除非朝鲜放弃发展核武器的计划,否则(美国)不会帮助其建设民用发电的核反应堆。
- A test would also raise tensions with Pakistan and jeopardise a newly signed civilian nuclear deal between New Delhi and Washington. 新的核试验将导致印巴关系紧张,并危及印度和美国新近签署的民用核协议。
- Brazil has reaffirmed its support for Iran's right to a civilian nuclear programme, but called for a "just and balanced" solution with the West. 巴西重申了对伊朗建设民用核设施权利的支持,但是呼吁伊朗与西方国家采取“公正、平衡”的解决方式。
- The UAE hopes to become the first Gulf state to develop a civilian nuclear programme to help meet soaring demand for power. 阿联酋希望成为第一个发展民用核能的海湾国家,以帮助满足日益高涨的能源需求。
- The government opted to hold the vote after angry leftist parties took back their support to protest a civilian nuclear deal with the United States. 在愤怒的左翼政党为抗议印度跟美国达成民用核协议而撤回对联合政府的支持后,印度政府做出举行信任投票的决定。
- Sudden interest in “civilian” nuclear power around the oil-rich Gulf shows that Iran's neighbours are hedging their bets. 石油丰富的海湾地区对“民用”核能突然的兴趣暗示伊朗的邻国在避免表示态度。
- The communist parties have vowed to do everything they can to stop the government from finalizing a civilian nuclear pact with the United States. 共产党联盟誓言要竭尽全力制止政府最后敲定跟美国达成的一项民用核协议。
- In July 1993 China officially promised that it would voluntarily report to the IAEA any imports or exports of nuclear materials,nuclear equipment and related non-nuclear materials. 1993年7月,中国正式承诺,在自愿的基础上向国际原子能机构通报所有核材料、核设备及相关非核材料的进出口情况。
- Mr Putin is expected to seek to put pressure on Iran to pay its debts for a civilian nuclear reactor at Bushehr that Russia is helping to build. 普京会向伊朗施压,让其偿还建造民用核反应堆所欠的债务。
- In July,1993,China formally promised that it would voluntarily report to the agency any imports or exports of nuclear materials,and all exports of nuclear equipment and related non-nuclear materials. 1993年7月,中国正式承诺在自愿的基础上向该机构通报所有核材料的进出口、核设备及有关非核材料的出口情况。
- In December, the French company lost out to Westinghouse Electric in a bid to build four civilian nuclear power plants in eastern China. 去年12月,这家法国公司在中国东部地区修建4座民用核电站的竞标中败给了西屋电气公司。
- This allows India, uniquely among those like Pakistan and Israel that have stayed outside the NPT, to get civilian nuclear help and fuel from abroad. 如此一来,印度和那些未签署核不扩散条约的巴基斯坦和以色列等国家的资格就此大相迳庭,可以正大光明地获得民生核电的海外援助和原料;
- From the beginning, India's civilian nuclear deal with the US has been as much about India's arrival on the geopolitical grand stage as it has been about atomic energy. 从一开始,印度与美国签署的民用核协议对于印度登上地缘政治大舞台的意义就不亚于对原子能的意义。