- Is the Rich Peasant the Rural Capitalist Class? 论我国富农的阶级属性?
- Our policy relating to rich peasants is to weaken their feudal aspects and,at the same time,encourage their capitalist aspects. 对富农应采取削弱其封建部分、奖励其资本主义部分的方针。
- Not an inch must be conceded to the rich peasants. 对于富农,是一步也退让不得。
- But there are also a number of Party members who hail from landlord, rich peasant and capitalist families, or have a well-to-do middle peasant or urban petty-bourgeois origin. 但是,也有许多党员是地主、富农、资本家家庭出身,或者是富裕中农和城市小资产阶级出身。
- The rich peasant,as a rule owns land. 富农一般占有土地。
- The rich peasants answered mockingly. 富农带着讥笑的声调回答。
- How would the rich peasant answer? 富农怎样回答呢?
- Fourth,we have removed the label "stinking Number Nine" from the intellectuals as well as the labels "landlord","rich peasant" and "capitalist" from the overwhelming majority of persons formerly in those categories. 第四,我们摘掉了知识分子“臭老九”的帽子,摘掉了全国绝大多数地主、富农、资本家的帽子。
- A rich peasant economy will be allowed in the rural areas. 农村的富农经济,也是容许其存在的。
- Fourth, we have removed the label "stinking Number Nine" from the intellectuals as well as the labels "landlord", "rich peasant" and "capitalist" from the overwhelming majority of persons formerly in those categories. 第四,我们摘掉了知识分子“臭老九”的帽子,摘掉了全国绝大多数地主、富农、资本家的帽子。
- Rich Peasants are both exploiters and the exploited. 富农既是剥削者又是受剥削者。
- But some rich peasants own only part of their land and rent the remainder. 但也有自己占有一部分土地,另租入一部分土地的。
- Most rich peasants also engage in the administration of communal land. 富农多半还管公堂。
- It was only then that the rich peasants began to get perplexed and alarmed. 这时,富农才开始惶惑起来。
- The richer peasants were buying chemical fertilizer, but the co-op could not afford it. 比较富裕的农民这时购买化肥,但合作社却买不起。
- Minor local tyrants and evil gentry are also very often to be found among the rich peasants. 富农中亦常有较小的土豪、劣绅。
- Rich peasants regularly practise exploitation and many derive most of their income from this source. 富农的剥削是经常的,许多富农的剥削收入在其全部收入中并且是主要的。
- The interests of the rich peasants are often interwoven with those of the small landlords. 富农往往与小地主利害联在一起。
- The rich peasants and the opportunists in the Party went over to the enemy in great numbers. 富农和党内的投机分子纷纷反水。
- With no land or with only poor land how could the landlords and rich peasants feed themselves? 他们不懂得地主不分田,地主的嘴巴要不要吃饭?