Rennet is a crude preparation containing drird, ground linigs of the calf stomach. 凝乳酵素是粗品,含有干燥表面的小牛胃壁。
A female elephant walks with her calf on the Masai Mara Game Reserve in Kenya. 一只雌象和它的幼崽漫步在肯尼亚的马赛马拉野生动物保护区。
They circled and repeated the action, this time followed by the mother and her calf. 它们环绕在我身旁,再次地做这个动作,这次是由母海牛和她的幼崽先开始进行。
The classic black dial is offset with a beautiful black onyx cabochon in the crown and white calf leather strap to create a watch of timeless elegance. 典雅的黑色表盘与镶嵌在表冠的凸圆形黑缟玛瑙互相辉映,加上白色小牛皮表带,成为一款恒久又大方的腕表。
For my return,I sported an elastic bandage wrapped conspicuously around my calf. 重返球场那一天,我在小腿肚上很醒目地裹上了弹性绷带。