- Broad money supply be ensured to achieve 17 percent growth is possible. 广义货币供应量得到保证,实现17%25的增长是可能的。
- They measure this by charting the total market capitalization of equities as a percentage of broad money supply. 该公司用股市总市值与广义货币供应量之比的变动情况来衡量发生这种变化的可能性有多大。
- Second, there are likely to be lags between the implementation of the policy and growth in broad money. 其词,为政策的实行和广义货币的增长之间留了一段喘息的空闲。
- Quite commonly, money is conceptually defined across a continuum from narrow money to broad money. 非常普遍的是,货币被概念地定义为一个从狭义到广义的封闭集合。
- Japanese banks hoarded their extra reserves, and the policy had little discernible impact on the broad money supply. 日本的银行都把多余的蓄备屯积起来,因此该政策对广义货币供应的影响微乎其微。
- Broad money supply grew by 15.3%,10.1 percentage points higher than the corresponding economic growth and retail price index combined. 广义货币供应量增长15.;3%25,比同期经济增长和零售物价涨幅之和高出10
- The supply of broad money will increase by l,460-1,638 billion yuan on the basis of 9,100 billion yuan at last year end,up 16-18 percent. 广义货币供应量在去年底91000亿元基础上增加14600亿元一16380亿元,增长16%25一18%25。
- Growth of Hong Kong dollar broad money moderated to around 1 per cent in December 2001,from around 5 per cent in the first half. 港元广义货币的增长由二零零一年上半年的5%25,下降至十二月时约1%25。
- The supply of broad money will increase by l,460-1,638 billion yuan on the basis of 9,100 billion yuan at last year end, up 16-18 percent. 广义货币供应量在去年底91000亿元基础上增加14600亿元一16380亿元,增长16%25一18%25;
- Growth of Hong Kong dollar broad money moderated to around 1 per cent in December 2001, from around 5 per cent in the first half. 港元广义货币的增长由二零零一年上半年的5%25,下降至十二月时约1%25。
- Broad money supply grew by 15.3%, 10.1 percentage points higher than the corresponding economic growth and retail price index combined. 广义货币供应量增长15.;3%25,比同期经济增长和零售物价涨幅之和高出10
- The Bank of England has been focusing on an underlying measure of broad money, which excludes holdings by specialist financial firms. 英国银行将注意力放在了广义钱财这一潜在的措施上,它不包括专业的金融公司所持有的。
- Indeed, the broad money supply in emerging countries has increasedby an average of 21% over the past year, almost three times as fast asit has in the developed world. 实际上,去年新兴经济的总货币供给平均增长了21%25,几乎是那些发达国家货币供给增长的三倍。
- Smaller aggregates like M0 and M1 correspond conceptually to narrow money supply, while larger aggregates like M2 and M3 correspond to broad money supply. 小集合如M0和M1等同于狭义货币供应,而比较大的集合如M2和M3则等同于广义货币供应。
- Also, because building societies and credit unio paid higher interest rates than banks, people moved their deposits out of the banking system into what we refered to as broad money. 而且住房互助会和信用社付的利息比银行要高,因此人们把存款转移到了银行以外的地方,成为我们所说的“广义货币”。
- By contrast, the broad money held by households has risen at a worryingly slow rate over the past year, and holdings by private non-financial firms have actually been dropping (see chart). 相反,在过去一年里家庭持有的广义货币增长速度慢得让人担忧,私人非金融公司持有的广义货币事实上下跌了(见图)。
- With stockmarkets around the world jumpy, China's stockmarket bubble continuing and 3-4% of the broad money supply estimated to be flowing underground, it is no wonder the authorities are alarmed. 如今,全球股票市场震荡不稳,中国股票市场泡沫不断,据估计,3-4%25的广义货币量已流入地下,难怪政府当局会如此警惕。
- I gave him money as an inducement to leave. 我给他钱,诱使他离去。
- Of which: Deposits Included in Broad Money 其中:计入广义货币的存款
- Estimating Demand for Narrow Money and Broad Money 估计对狭义货币及广义货币的需求