- We set up a taste test that challenged people who identified themselves as either Coca-Cola or Pepsi fans: Find your brand in a blind tasting. 我们开始了一项味觉测试,它会挑战那些自称是可口可乐或是百事可乐的拥护者的人:蒙眼尝味来发现你喜爱的品牌。
- Makers of enhanced chicken, including some of the biggest U.S. producers, say many consumers prefer it in blind taste tests and that it stays moister. “增强型”鸡肉的生产商,其中包括某些美国最大的生产商表示,许多消费者在不知情的情况下在比较产品口味时,都更喜欢增强型鸡肉,此外增强型鸡肉能够更好地保持水份。
- According to blind taste tests, three out of four consumers prefer Primo over the leading spring water and four out of five prefer Primo over tap water. 据蒙眼味觉测试,四分之三的消费者喜爱的领导普里莫泉水和五分之四喜欢阿伊泽超过自来水。
- blind taste tests used in marketing studies. 用于市场调查的事先毫不知情的口味测试
- In a consumer taste test, Coke went up against Pepsi. 在一次消费者品尝测验中,可口可乐与百事可乐交锋了。
- We taste test the foods that claim to be as good for wildlife as they are for you. 我们品尝测试的食品,要求食品对野生动物就像对人一样都市有益于健康的。
- The South Korean government said only on sale in South Korea's music several cheese sandwich cookies taste test were found to contain melamine. 韩国政府称,在对仅在韩国出售的几款乐之夹心芝士口味饼干的检测中发现了含有三聚氰胺。
- Dr Brandt added that in blind taste studies the whole carrots also tasted much better. 布朗特博士补充道,盲测的结果显示,整根烹饪的胡萝卜的味道同样更好吃。
- The health arguments considered, I embarked on a taste test with Allegra McEvedy and her friend, Charles Carey, who has been importing oils for more than 20 years. 考虑到对健康的的争议,我和艾丽格拉.;麦克伊韦迪以及她做了二十多年食用油出口生意的朋友查尔斯
- The bidding was 33% higher when tasters could only see the bottle than it was with blind tasting, implying that the champagne's taste detracted from its perceived value. 结果发现只许通过酒瓶观察那组的估价要比蒙眼品尝组的高出33%25,这意味着香槟的口味会减损其认知价值。
- In the name of science (and for a small fee), 35 brave individuals volunteered to take part in an extensive taste test of raw broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and 25 other bitter vegetables. 35 位勇敢者自愿参加了一次对生的球花甘蓝、菜花、抱子甘蓝和其它 25 种蔬菜做的广泛试验,在为科学做贡献的同时,还可获得少量报酬。
- Blind tasting: Tasting wines of which the origin and identity are not previously disclosed to the tasters. 盲品:不事先告诉品尝者葡萄酒来源及身份的品尝。
- Research published by the Journal of Wine Economics shows that inexpert wine drinkers actually prefer cheap wine in a blind tasting. 发表在葡萄酒经济学期刊上的研究表明,实际上非专家的饮酒者在盲试中更喜欢便宜的酒。
- Two orthogonal tests (stability test and optimum taste test)were used to study the processing technology and optimum formula for the production of the rice pudding. 采用两组正交试验(稳定性试验和最佳口味试验)研究了大米布丁的生产工艺和最佳配方。
- On hand will be wine consultants Fongyee Walker and Edward Ragg to answer any questions and to guide you through the mysteries of blind tasting. 同时来自英国品酒师夫妇赵凤仪和爱德华将带领大家拨开层层迷雾,体验盲品的神秘、刺激。
- Modern paintings are not to my taste. 现代画不合我的口味。
- In 1976, a small American winery sent shock waves through the wine industry by besting the exalted French wines in a blind tasting, putting California wines on the map for good. 1976年,美国的一家小酿酒厂给整个造酒业带来了巨大的冲击,他们酿造的葡萄酒在一次蒙眼品酒比赛中击败了法国葡萄酒而获得了最佳,从此,加州葡萄酒就登上了台面。
- According to the researchers, the results have been "striking" and have fooled some wine experts in taste testings. 根据研究者的报告,试验结果令人震惊,这些巧妙的电子设备可以骗过葡萄酒专家。
- A simple test will show if this is real gold. 简单的试验就能证明这是否是真金。