- bless one's luck stars 谢天谢地
- Beginner' s luck" does not apply to chess. 西洋棋里没有“新手好运”这一套。
- Marbury’s luck would run out when his last ditch effort bounced off the rim. 当马布里的最后一投擦筐而过,他的运气总是在这时耗尽了。
- But Calvin is not what he seems, and Cate’s luck is about to run out. 加尔文能够应付一切事情,从木工活到修水管, 但凯特的运气将要流逝。
- That is what the Blessed One said. 那就是薄伽梵所言。
- Carter gave a sharp yelp. “You nearly shot me!” He pulled out a hand clasped round a shattered pipe. “Beginner’s luck,” Mike muttered, his face white with terror. 卡特吓得发出一声尖叫。“你险些把我给毙啦!”他伸出的手里紧捏着一支已被子弹击的烟斗。“真是万幸”。(新手)迈克大惊失色,口中喃喃而语。
- The Brahmin Udaya filled the Blessed One's bowl with rice. 三时,优陀耶婆罗门,以白饭盛满世尊之钵。
- Ven.Rahula, bowing down to the Blessed One, sat to one side. 尊者罗睺罗向薄伽梵顶礼后,坐于一边。
- Then many monks approached the Blessed One, worshipped and sat on a side. 三时,众多比丘来诣世尊之处,诣已,礼敬世尊,坐于一面。
- Once the Blessed One dwelt at Vesali, in the Great Forest, at the Gabled House. 尔时,世尊住毗舍离城,大林之重阁讲堂中。
- In that cloudy sky only one lone star can be seen. 在那多云的天上,只能看到孤零零的一颗星星。
- in 2008 my bad luck star you might walk. 2009 ascendent you come. 2008年我的倒霉星你可以走了。2009年的幸运星你来吧。
- On one occasion the Blessed One was staying near Kapilavatthu at the Banyan Park. 一时薄伽梵住于迦毗罗卫附近的榕园。
- The drug affects one's power(s) of concentration. 这种药影响人精神不能集中。
- She is one of the best hurdlers in the world. 她是世界上最优秀的跨栏选手之一。
- Then Maniculaka approached the Blessed One, paid homage to him, and sat down to one side. 为此,摩尼顶髻聚落主来到世尊住所,礼拜后,退坐一旁。
- Here are the designs. Which one(s) do you prefer? 这就是那些图样.;你喜欢哪一个[些]?
- Then the brahmin who nourished his mother approached the Blessed One, exchanged friendly greetings and sat on a side. 二时,孝养婆罗门来诣世尊处。诣已,与世尊互相致问,坐于一面,
- Bless her from marrying a miser. 上天保佑她不要和一个吝啬鬼结婚。
- The Blessed One Kassapa, worthy and rightfully enlightened had two chief disciples named Tissa and Bharadvaja. 迦叶世尊、应供、正等觉者,有名曰帝沙、巴拉多瓦迦二人为上足弟子。