- A year of peace and good harvest 康年豐收
- I think you should bury the hatchet and invite them to spend Christmas with you as you used to. It is supposed to be the season of peace and good will after all. 我認為你們應該和解,像往常一樣邀請他們來與你共度聖誕節。畢竟,現在應該是和平與衷心祝福的時候。
- We have had three successive years of good harvest. 我們已連續三年豐收。
- I will work better if I had a bit of peace and quiet. 要是再靜一些我就能工作得更好了。
- I think you should bury the hatchet and invite them to spend Christmas with you as you used to.It is supposed to be the season of peace and good will after all. 我認為你們應該和解,像往常一樣邀請他們來與你共度聖誕節。畢竟,現在應該是和平與衷心祝福的時候。
- We are now in times of peace and prosperity. 我們正處於太平盛世。
- The last time the murder rate was as low as that was 30 years previously in 1967, the year of peace and love and the flowering of hippiedom. 最近一次謀殺率如此之低是在30年前1967年,那是和平,友愛和嬉皮士流行的年代。
- He dreamed of a land of peace and harmony. 他夢到一塊和平與和諧的土地。
- The hotel is a haven of peace and tranquility. 這家旅館是一處安寧的去處。
- Wishing peace and good luck throughout the years. 年年如意,歲歲平安。
- Greetings of peace and love from my home to yours. 我們全家向你們全家致以吉祥,友愛的問候!
- We are in a world of peace and development. 我們正處於一個和平發展的世界。
- The habit of worrying robs us of peace and comfort. 憂煩的壞習慣奪去了我們的和平和安樂。
- Then there was talk of peace and a composition. 隨後又有休戰媾和之說。
- All I want is a bit of peace and quiet. 我所希望的只是一點平靜。
- The library is a haven of peace and quiet. 圖書館是個平和而安靜的去處。
- Three hours of peace and soothing rest of brain. 三個小時的平和與大腦的休憩和恬靜」。
- May the New Year bring peace and good fortune to you and your family. 願新年帶給你與家人平安和好運。
- A good harvest of rice is expected this year. 預期今年稻米會豐收。
- After working in this noisy shop all day I like nothing better than to go home for a bit of peace and quiet. 在那吵鬧的商店工作了一整天後,我別無他圖,只希望回到家能得到一絲安寧。