- In the light his face with bloodshot eyes and harsh lines was as unreadable as stone. 他的眼睛帶著血絲,他的臉上紋路像石頭一樣清晰,看不出任何錶情。
- Fill the cave with bloodshot laughter! 用充血的笑聲填塞這洞穴!
- His bloodshot eyes were on her face. 他那雙布滿血絲的眼睛緊盯著她的臉。
- Nobody spoke but Elgie came over, his bloodshot eyes filled with sorrow and misery. 沒有人答話,只有埃爾吉走了過來。他那充血的眼睛里充滿悲傷和痛苦。
- One day Callisto suddenly found herself changed into a bear, with monstrous jaws and bloodshot eyes. 一天凱里斯特忽然間發現自己變成了一隻大熊,長著惡魔般的嘴巴和充血的眼睛。
- He has bloodshot eyes, pointed teeth and a hooked nose, but no tail. 他長著布滿血絲的眼睛,尖利的牙齒和一個鷹鉤鼻,但沒有尾巴。
- He held the cigarette in his fingers and the smoke curled up past his bloodshot eyes. 他把煙捏在指頭中間,那煙裊裊上升,掠過他那雙布滿血絲的眼睛。
- Yet I could see in their bloodshot eyes that they』d gladly kill me for those few drops. 然而我可以從他們那布滿血絲的眼睛里看出為了那幾滴水他們情願把我宰了。
- Who has strife? Who has complaints? Who has needless bruises? Who has bloodshot eyes? 誰有禍患,誰有憂愁,誰有爭鬥,誰有哀嘆,(作怨言)無故受傷,誰眼目紅赤。
- Who has woe? Who has sorrow? Who has strife? Who has complaints? Who has needless bruises? Who has bloodshot eyes? 誰有禍患,誰有憂愁,誰有爭鬥,誰有哀嘆,(或作怨言)誰無故受傷,誰眼目紅赤。
- However, he need not have worried, for Tseng Tsang-hai suddenly opened his bloodshot eyes and glared fiercely, and his face became livid. 然而他是白擔憂。躺在煙榻上的曾滄海猛的睜開眼來,眼是兇狠狠地閃著紅光,臉色也已經變成鐵青;
- Whisky was showing in his face and the hard line of his long jaw was being obscured under an unhealthy bloat and puffs rising under his bloodshot eyes. 威士忌的作用已經在他臉上表現出來,那長長稜角分明的下顎的線條正在漸漸消失,被一種虛胖的表像所遮蓋,而布滿血絲的眼睛底下也期了兩個浮泡似的眼袋。
- And Buck was truly a red-eyed devil, as he drew himself together for the spring, hair bristling, mouth foaming, a mad glitter in his bloodshot eyes. 巴克的確成了個紅眼魔鬼,此時他聳起身子準備跳出去,毛髮豎立,口吐白沫,充血的眼睛閃著凶光。
- The angry scowl on his face, the veins in his feet, the wrinkles on the skin of his elbows, the glare of his bloodshot eyes. 他臉上的怒容、腳上的青筋、肘部皮膚的褶皺,還有那布滿血絲的眼睛的凶光。
- I saw the whole accident with my own eyes. 這次事故我是全部親眼看到的。
- His disheveled beard and hair, with his ferocious expression and bloodshot eyes, he looked like one of those demons in the masked dance rituals. 他被帶到阿孟旺面前,鬚髮凌亂,神情猙獰,兩眼血絲密布,看去有如跳神大典上的惡鬼。
- She looked at him with hate in her eyes. 她以憎恨的目光看著他。
- It also provides citrus bioflavonoids that help stabilize capillaries, helping to heal varicose veins, bloodshot eyes, and hemorrhoids. 還提供了柑桔類黃酮, 以幫助穩定毛細血管, 有助舒緩靜脈曲張, 眼睛充血和痔瘡。
- Ask any contact-lens wearer who has woken from a boozy night out to find their eyelids gummed up and lenses screaming to be removed from bloodshot eyes. 詢問任何一個通宵醉酒後醒來的隱形眼鏡佩戴者,你就會發現他們的眼瞼腫脹,而隱形眼鏡則令人可笑的從充血的眼睛里跑了出來。
- Jing Jing Yan-Fang Hai-peng's sister recalled that at that time may be too long to learn, overwork, brother and some bloodshot eyes, there is no post-mortem on. 景海鵬的妹妹景艷芳回憶說,當時可能是因為學習時間太長、勞累過度,大哥眼睛里有些血絲,所以沒有驗上。