- However, they did not let the whip lash actually touch or hurt the horses. 然而,車夫並不使馬鞭真正的打到或傷到馬身上。
- When I come to terms with this whip lash 當我與這鞭子達成妥協
- He lash the horse across the back with a whip. 他用鞭子抽打馬背。
- The cruel master beat his slaves with a whip. 殘酷的主人鞭打他的奴隸。
- A riding whip with a short handle and a lash of braided rawhide. 馬鞭一種短把騎鞭,帶有生皮編織的鞭子
- The army rode with whip and spur to their rescue. 戰士們快馬加鞭地趕去營救他們。
- He beat the prisoner with a lash. 他用鞭子抽打囚犯。
- The butter churn have two paddle to whip the cream. 攪乳器有兩根攪棍攪拌奶油。
- Don't whip in while others are talking. 在別人談話時不要突然插話。
- Let's lash out and have champagne. 咱們揮霍一下,喝香檳吧。
- He cracked his whip and the horses began to trot. 他噼噼啪啪地揮鞭策馬狂跑。
- He urged the horses on with a whip. 他用鞭子策馬前行。
- The lash of public opinion compelled him to resign. 輿論的嚴厲指責迫使他辭職。
- The circus manager snapped his whip. 馬戲團主管把鞭子抽得很響。
- The waves lash (against) the rocks. 海浪拍打岩石。
- He was the tough guy, the big shot, who gave orders with the crack of a whip. 他是個威風凜凜發號施令的強悍的傢伙,是個大人物。
- I saw horned devils with enormous whips lashing backs of shades with cruel delight. 我看到生角的惡鬼拿著大鞭,他們從後面狠狠地抽打那些幽魂。
- This is no time to lash out on a new stereo. 現在不是奢侈花錢買新立體音響的時候。
- The thief whip round the corner and out of sight. 那個賊一溜煙兒轉過街角就看不見了。
- I can easily whip you up some scrambled eggs. 我馬上就能給你炒點雞蛋。