Our class is studying the carrying capacity of small forests. 我們班正在研究小面積林地的生物承載量。
A torsion bar is used in a high load capacity truck. 扭力桿用於高承載量的卡車。
Under the background of a long-span rigid-framed flexible CFST arch bridge, the catholicity method to compute the ultimate capacity is brought forward. 以某大跨度剛性梁柔性鋼管硅拱橋為例,總結了具有較普遍意義的大跨度橋樑極限承載力計算方法。
In this paper, based on nonlinear full-range analysis with both geometrical and material nonlinearity, ultimate load-carrying capacity of Jinma Bridge is calculated. 摘要全面考慮結構的材料非線性和幾何非線性,通過對廣東金馬大橋進行全過程非線性分析,得到了結構的極限承載力。