"a belated birthday card"
"I'm late for the plane"
"the train is late"
"tardy children are sent to the principal"
"always tardy in making dental appointments"
用作形容詞 (adj.)
He was tardy for the meeting. 那次開會他遲到了。
The teacher gave the tardy student what for. 老師痛斥了遲到的學生。
His boss was dissatisfied with his tardy progress. 老闆對他緩慢的進度不滿意。
She is so forgetful and tardy with work. 她這人就是愛忘事,做什麼事情總是拖拖拉拉的。
The law is often tardy in reacting to changing attitudes. 法律對變化中的觀念常常反應遲緩。
The agency has been heavily criticized for its tardy response to its clients. 這家代理商因為對顧客的回應遲緩而倍受批評。