- Take one's farewell of sb. 向某人告別。
- The boy took one sip of the wine and spat it out. 那男孩子呷了一小口葡萄酒,但馬上又吐了出來。
- Take one dose of this cough syrup three times a day. 每天服三次這種止咳糖漿,每次服一劑量。
- Take one of these pill three times a day. 這些藥片每日三片,每次一片。
- Take one dose of the medicine at bedtime. 就寢時服用該葯一次。
- Take one of these tablets last thing at night. 睡前吃一片這種藥片。
- I take one lump of sugar in my tea. 我在茶里放一塊方糖。
- He took one sip of the wine and spat it out. 他抿了一口酒,又吐了出來。
- Well,at least let me take one of them. 那,最起碼讓我提一件行李。
- Why I can't take one sight of the other women? 為什麼不能看別的女人?
- And still ringing in our ears is the fond farewell of the Russian girl employed by the tour operator, who urges us to come again. 而此時此刻仍然縈繞於我們的耳際的是旅行社經營者僱用的那位俄羅斯姑娘的那番戀戀不捨的告別話,她再三叮囑我們要再來。
- I'll take one pound of them. How about the oranges? 我要一磅,橙子多少錢?
- take one's farewell of 告別; 向 ... 告別
- I mean you don't want to take one of your buddies. 我是說你不想跟你哪個弟兄一塊兒去?
- You can take one carton of cigarettes. 你可以帶一盒香煙。
- Well, at least let me take one of them. 那,最起碼讓我提一件行李。
- Hong Kong SAR's pop diva Mei Yanfang 』s fans are still reluctant to accept the fact that their idol has already taken her farewell of them forever. 香港天後梅艷芳的歌迷仍舊不願接受自己的偶像已經永遠離去的事實。
- Take one of these pills twice a day. 這些葯每次服一片,每天兩次。
- He would pass out if he took one more drink. 要是他再喝一杯酒的話,他就會醉倒了。
- Why don't you take one of our little booklets? 您幹嗎不拿一本小冊子去?