I also like to clean the main rotor and tail rotor shaft and lightly lubricate them with lube oil soaked tissue paper. 我還建議在擦凈主軸和尾軸後用沾了潤滑油的紙巾擦上一些潤滑油。
In this paper the torsional vibration problems of the propulsion shaft system of the underwater craft were discussed. 主要討論以擺盤式活塞發動機作為其主機的某水下航行裝置推進軸系的扭轉振動問題。
The shaft transmission stability is one of important requirements of ship propulsive shafts.However, the shaft vibration is excited when the impact force is operated on the shafts. 摘要傳動穩定性是船舶推進軸系工作的重要性能之一,但是當衝擊載荷作用在軸繫上時必將激起軸系的振動響應。