- Neither warmhearted nor sternly cool and unmoved, just only taking a wait-and-see attitude. (既不熱心,也不冷漠,只採取觀望態度。)
- sternly cool and unmoved 冷漠無情
- She sat, cool and unmoved, with her lifework falling in ruins about her. 她冷靜,鎮定地坐在那裡,眼見她畢生的心血正在付諸東流。
- She sat, cool and unmoved , with her lifework falling in ruins about her. 她冷靜,鎮定地坐在那裡,眼見她畢生的心血正在付諸東流。
- She was a silent girl, cool and remote. 她是一個沉默寡言的女孩,對人冷漠而孤傲。
- She sat, cool and unmoved, with her lifework falling in ruins about her 她冷靜,鎮定地坐在那裡,眼見她畢生的心血正在付諸東流。
- It's getting cool and I have to take out my woolen gloves. 天氣變冷了,我不得不把毛線手套拿出來了。
- She sat. cool and unmoved, with her lifework falling in ruins about her 她冷靜,鎮定地坐在那裡,眼見她畢生的心血正在付諸東流。
- He is a man with refinement behavior and unmoved action. 他是個舉止文雅但行動堅決的人。
- My drink is cool and refreshing. 我的飲料冰涼清爽。
- There they cool and harden into volcanic ash. 然後在空中它們又冷卻變成火山灰。
- Her handshake was cool and firm. 她握手鎮定而有力。
- This shadowy path is cool and quiet. 這條多陰的小道涼爽而幽靜。
- She seemed very cool and unemotional. 她顯得十分冷靜。
- The breeze was cool and refreshing. 微微的涼風令人神清氣爽。
- He was left cool and calm and very tired. 他只覺得頭腦冷靜,心境平和,就是累得厲害。
- The path was cool and dark with overhanging trees. 小路樹木掩映,涼爽幽暗。
- It' s cool and shady under the tree. 在樹下很陰涼。
- Deerslayer met all the arguments and prevarications of this subtle opponent with his own cool directness of manner and unmoved love of truth. 殺鹿人以其鎮靜坦率的態度和直言不諱的性格駁倒了他狡猾的對手的種種詭辯和搪塞。
- It's cool and windy. You can fly a kite. 天氣涼爽多風。你可以放風箏。