- The slum area was sordid and filthy beyond belief. 該貧民區之污穢骯髒簡直令人難以置信。
- His long hair and filthy clothes repelled her. 他的長頭髮和臟衣服使她感到厭惡。
- The slumarea was sordid and filthy beyond belief. 該貧民區之污穢骯髒簡直令人難以置信。
- A. Filthy, and filthy but wearable. 髒的,髒的但還能穿的。
- Judy: Why are you so sweaty and filthy? 你怎麼渾身是汗,還髒兮兮的?
- The huts they lived in were sordid and filthy beyond belief. 他們住的小房真是異乎尋常地臟。
- How much more abominable and filthy is man, which drinketh iniquity like water? 何況那污穢可憎,喝罪孽如水的世人呢。
- No earthly consideration should ever again induce him to touch the paw of that impure and filthy animal. 塵世間的不論什麼顧慮,都決不能使他再去碰這個骯髒污穢的畜生的爪子了。
- He had lugged out a huge and filthy pipe which was already half full of charred tobacco. 他拽出個髒兮兮的大煙斗,裡面裝著半管黑糊糊的煙葉兒。
- The prison of La Force was a gloomy prison, dark and filthy, and with a horrible smell of foul sleep in it. 拉福斯監獄是個陰森森的地方。 黑暗、骯髒,因為骯髒,到處散發著被窩難聞得可怕的臭氣。
- A beast is one who gives way to sensuality, or who is content to live in low and filthy surroundings. 稱人為beast,則指其人縱情肉慾,甘心處於污濁環境之中。
- Pao-yu started at that and wished he could slip away, feeling intolerably gross and filthy. 寶玉聽如此說,便嚇得欲退不能退,果覺自形污穢不堪。
- Winston found and handed over two creased and filthy notes, which Parsons entered in a small notebook, in the neat handwriting of the illiterate. 溫斯頓找了兩張皺巴巴髒兮兮的票子交上去。 那帕森斯便拿個文盲特有的齊整字兒,記到一個小本本上面。
- The many little streams will merge into a great river to wash away all that is rotten and filthy, and new-democratic constitutional government will emerge. 然後匯合很多小流,成一條大河,把一切腐朽黑暗的東西都沖洗乾淨,新民主主義的憲政就出來了。
- May HIV survives longer on this kind of surfaces(dirty,dankish and filthy), making the 「environmental transmission remote」 possible? 汗、尿等雖含病毒,但因病毒數量太少,不足以構成感染。
- To the outside observer it looks hideous: a proliferation of ugly building sites, cramped factories, poisoned waters and filthy smokestacks. 但在其他地區看來,這裡似乎並不美好,甚至令人生厭:醜陋的建築、擁擠的廠房隨處可見,空氣水質受到嚴重污染。
- AFTER THE EXECUTION Pierre was separated from the other prisoners and left alone in a small, despoiled, and filthy church. 行刑后,皮埃爾與別的犯人隔離開來,單獨囚禁在一座破敗骯髒的小教堂內。
- We stood there dripping and filthy and searched our clothes for tickets that had never been there, while the attendant eyed us incredulously. 我們在收票口裝成尋找衣服的每個口袋。在那時間裡站員以懷疑的眼神骨碌碌地盯著我們的樣子。
- Self-interest makes it worry about its energy-hungry model and fearful that people may rebel over poisoned rivers and filthy air. 利己主義使中國擔心本國的高耗能模式,並擔心人民因為受污染的河流和骯髒的空氣而造反。
- But now you must rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander and filthy language from your lips. 但現在你們要棄絕這一切的事,以及惱恨、忿怒、惡毒、毀謗,並口中污穢的言語。