- He stood framed in the doorway to the hall. 他站在門口,堵住通向大廳的路。
- Man is a god or a devil to his neighbour. 一個人對鄰居來說,不是上帝,便是魔鬼。
- English: Man is a god or a devil to his neighbour. 中文:一個人對其鄰居來說,不是上帝,就是魔鬼。
- Man is a god or a devil to his neighbor. 一個人對鄰居來說,不是上帝,便是魔鬼。
- Voting showed a 10% swing to the Opposition. 投票結果表明有10%25的人轉而支持反對黨。
- Janet retreated to the doorway of the building. 簡尼特退到房子的門邊。
- Show a box to the student. S T: This is a box. 教師打開盒子。教師引導學生說
- The teacher showed a book to the class. 老師把一本書給全班同學看。
- I'm afraid not,it's too close to the doorway. 恐怕不行,它離門太近了。
- He had been holding a candle to the devil to show his son the way to mischief. 他一直是替魔鬼持燭照路,讓他兒子幹壞事。
- There'll be the devil to pay if you scratch my car! 你要是划壞了我的汽車你就有麻煩了!
- The personification of evil as a devil is a feature of medieval painting. 用魔鬼象徵罪惡是中世紀繪畫的特色。
- The press has given the show a tremendous build-up. 新聞界為這一演出大造聲勢。
- If inflation becomes much worse there will be the devil to pay. 如果通貨膨脹更惡化,其後果將不堪設想。
- I'm having a devil of a job fixing my car. 我修我這輛汽車可費勁了。
- They denounced him to the police as a criminal. 他們向警方告發他是罪犯。
- A 10% service charge is added on to the bill. 帳單上包括了百分之十的服務費。
- He had a devil of a time getting home. 他回家時一路上十分辛苦(歷盡艱辛)。
- The company's results show a huge jump in profits. 公司的結算顯示利潤大增。
- He was almost possessed by a devil. 他幾乎著了魔。