run in的用法和樣例:
用作動詞 (v.)
- They also watched its trial run.
他們還看了試車。 - The result of the test run satisfied us.
試車結果使我們很滿意。 - There's really no point in arguing about pinpoints.
為芝麻綠豆般的小事爭論實在毫無意義。 - The problem is still in dispute.
這個問題在爭論中。 - He dropped in on some old comrades on his vacation trip to Beijing.
- in the long run 從長遠看來
- run in a family 為一家所共有; 世代...
- run round in circles 忙得團團轉(毫無結果...
- in the short run 在不久的將來...
- run in blinkers 看不清周圍事物,處於...
- run in the family 為一家人所共有...
- run in one's mind 縈繞腦際
- run in 試車
- run in one's head 縈繞腦際
- run in one's blood 與家庭有密切關係的,...
- run in the same groove 如出一轍
- run around in circles 忙得團團轉(毫無結果...
- run in a groove 墨守成規