- The boy was restless from hunger. 男孩因飢餓而變得焦躁不安。
- Many people believe that overweight results from overeating and stress. 很多人認為肥胖超重是因為吃得過多和壓力造成的。
- His sickness resulted from overeating? 他的病是由於吃過多而引起的。
- Many people believe that obesity results from overeating and stress. 很多人認為肥胖超重是因為吃得過多和壓力造成的。
- How insulting!"He said to the senior of the two monks, "Venerable sir, this monk must be stupid from overeating. 他對老和尚說:「大師,您的這位弟子想必是吃傻了,才整天樂顛顛的。
- Thinking,) Thus will I destroy old feelings (of hunger) and not create new feelings (from overeating). 要這樣思索,因此我要消除舊的(飢餓)之感,不造新的(飽漲)之感。
- Research shows that eating breakfast keeps you from overeating later in the day. 研究表明,每天吃早餐可以讓你在一天中接下來的時間吃得更少。
- He moved restlessly from one foot to another. 他的兩隻腳不停地倒替著。
- The Shelleys moved restlessly from place to place. 雪萊一家經常到處遷徙。
- This sounds like common sense, but many a self-confident dieter imagines that he or she should possess enough willpower to abstain from overeating in any situation. 這聽起來像是基本常識,但還是有很多充滿自信的節食者以為自己在任何情況下都應該有足夠的意志力來避免吃得太多。
- With his wife beating about the bush beside him and jeering at him now and again, brother became restless from silent, and then indignant. 嫂子在一旁不斷地敲敲打打、冷嘲熱諷,大哥由沉默變得煩躁,又由煩躁變得憤怒。
- My lady seemed, on this particular September day, restless from very joyousness of spirit, and unable to stay long in one place, or occupy herself with one thing. 在九月的這個特殊日子裡,爵士夫人似乎由於興高采烈而坐立不定,她沒法兒長時間待在一個地方或專心於一件事情上。
- He is sick from overeating. 他因暴飲暴食而嘔吐。
- The boy moved restlessly from one foot to the other, keeping his eyes down, and for the most part only half singing. 那個男孩心神不定地倒換著兩隻腳,眼睛總是望著地,多半只是半心半意地唱。
- I found myself weary and yet wakeful, tossing restlessly from side to side, seeking for the sleep which would not come. 我雖感疲倦,可是又不能入睡,輾轉反側,愈想睡愈睡不著。
- He thought he should drop soon and shifted restlessly from one foot to the other. 他覺得自己快要倒下去了,就不停地換著腳支撐著身體的重量。
- The audience was becoming restless. 觀眾漸漸地不耐煩了。
- He beckoned to me from across the street. 他在馬路對面向我招手致意。
- Don't buy a used car from that rogue. 別從那無賴手裡買舊車。
- Father has taken restless of late. 近來父親變得焦躁不安。