- But the dollar』s unity or reunification of the rentier war is inevitable. 但是美元統一或食利者的統一戰爭,是必然要出現的。
- So, now that all Americans must be the goal of reunification of the rentier war. 所以,現在美國人所有的目標必然是食利者統一的戰爭。
- U.S. do not understand a culture and the national oil weapon, the last of the rentier is the world』s only victim. 一個不懂美元文化與石油武器的民族,最後只能是全球食利者的犧牲品。
- If a people do not understand this basic principle, with the victims of rentier nature of the food chain as inevitable as there is a natural. 如果一個民族不懂這條基本原則,那麼食利者與犧牲者必然像自然界的食物鏈一樣天然存在。
- The hard-line confrontation between the United States and Russia, the United States rentier horn mounted on the reunification of the war. 美俄之間的強硬對抗,是美國食利者統一戰爭的總攻號角。
- This is the United States of inadequate supervision by the regulatory authorities, or to indulge in his capacity as the rentier looting. 這是美國監管部門的監管不力,還是以食利者的身份放縱這場掠奪。
- he extricated himself from the business and moved to London to be near the Marx family, enjoying life as an Economist-reading rentier and intellectual. 他很享受這樣的時光,作為這部經濟學家必讀書目的權威解讀人,他既可從書稿版稅中維持生計,也能收穫一名知識分子該有的智力歡愉。
- A poor American feels guilty at being poor, but less guilty than an American rentier who has inherited wealth but is doing nothing to increase it; 一個貧窮的美國人會因為窮而感到慚愧,但他的羞愧之情還不及一個繼承了一筆財富卻沒辦法使其增值的美國人;
- rentier state 食利國
- rentiern. 靠股息生活的人;靠收租生活的人;<貶>食利者
- land rentier group 土地食利集團
- rentier class 食利階級
- rentier country 食利國
- "real estate speculation" acts only for a few large gains rentier, and the level of damage to the welfare of the majority of people, let the people's wealth improperly obtained easily into the pocket. 但是,除廣州等少數地方之外,國內的土地供應基本上是通過協議的方式出讓,多年來以招標和拍賣等方式出讓土地的比重一直非常之低,這一比重只是在近年來才稍有提高。