- For the next decade Merwin would regularly publish collections of intensely wrought, brightly imagistic poems. 在接下來的十年中,梅爾文經常發表風格簡練明快,富有意象主義風格的詩集。
- Whang Haijing,general secretary of the organization,said the Red Cross will regularly publish the allocation and transfer of donated goods and funds. 秘書長王海京表示,中國紅十字會所接受捐贈款物的調撥和分發情況,將會定期向社會公告。
- Archives repositories shall regularly publish catalogues of records that are open to the public, create conditions and simplify procedures for the convenient use of archives. 檔案館應當定期公布開放檔案的目錄,並為檔案的利用創造條件,簡化手續,提供方便。
- The patent administrative department of the State Council shall completely, accurately and timely announce the patent information and regularly publish patent gazettes. 國務院專利行政部門應當完整、準確、及時發布專利信息,定期出版專利公報。
- Including non-monetary gold, which is not covered in the regularly published merchandise trade statistics. 包括非貨幣黃金,而定期發布的商品貿易統計數字並不包括此項目。
- The Commissioner for Transport also regularly publishes reports on the monitoring of the performance against the targets. 運輸署署長會就運輸署的表現是否達到既定的指標定期發表報告。
- Its monthly magazine,Choice,regularly publishes findings of comparative product tests and service surveys providing useful and practical information,advice and viewpoints on a wide range of consumer issues and concerns. 消委會定期出版《選擇》月刊,發表產品測試及調查研究結果,令消費者獲得實用的資訊。
- Its monthly magazine, Choice, regularly publishes findings of comparative product tests and service surveys providing useful and practical information, advice and viewpoints on a wide range of consumer issues and concerns. 消委會定期出版《選擇》月刊,發表產品測試及調查研究結果,令消費者獲得實用的資訊。
- The newspaper did not see fit to publish my letter. 該報認為不宜發表我的信。
- Lockup regularly occurs at seven o'clock. 夜間關門時間通常是在七點鐘。
- Only in 1687 did he at last publish his new theory. 終於在一六八七年他發表了他的新理論。
- Oil the moving parts of this machine regularly. 要定期給這部機器的運轉部件上油。
- The society publish its list of member annually. 該協會每年出版其會員名單。
- That maths exam I took was a regular brain drain. 絞盡腦汁的數學測驗,我真是絞盡了腦汁。
- I am going to have it revised and publish. 我準備修改一下再出版。
- Wash regularly to ensure personal hygiene. 要經常洗澡以保證個人衛生。
- He practise play the violin regularly. 他有恆地練習小提琴。
- The house is regularly spraying with DDT. 房屋是定期用DDT噴洒。
- We write to each other regularly. 我們彼此經常通信。
- The paper publish a daily list of stock exchange transaction. 該報紙發布證券交易所每日股票買賣的一覽表。