- Study the provider's bandwidth and content restrictions. If you plan to publish pictures or broadcast video or sound, make sure that you can. 研究一下提供商的寬頻和內容約束。如果你想要發布圖片、廣播視頻或音頻,請確定你可以做到這些。
- Published pictures of him and some skank? 公開了他和某個女人的照片?
- Crowd sourcing goes mainstream: Your phone is your omnipresent microphone to the world, a way to publish pictures, emails, texts, Twitters, and blog entries. 外包給群眾成為主流 :手機就是你在世界上無處不在的麥克風,一種拍照,發郵件,發文檔,傳照片和發表博客日記的方式。
- The manager who was putting on the summer skit at the Casino had never heard of Carrie, but the several notices she had received, her published picture, and the programme bearing her name had some little weight with him. 那個要在夏季在卡西諾戲院上演滑稽劇的經理,從未聽說過嘉莉,但是報上對她的那幾次介紹、登出的照片以及有她名字的節目單,對他產生了一些的影響。
- The picture on the wall is crooked. 掛在牆壁上的畫是歪的。
- The newspaper did not see fit to publish my letter. 該報認為不宜發表我的信。
- I wouldn't sell that picture for all the world. 我無論如何也不賣那幅畫。
- Only in 1687 did he at last publish his new theory. 終於在一六八七年他發表了他的新理論。
- She laid the picture face downward on the table. 她把那幅畫正面朝下放在桌上。
- The society publish its list of member annually. 該協會每年出版其會員名單。
- My friend gave me his picture as a memento before going away. 我的朋友在離別前給我一張照片留作紀念品。
- The picture is much clearer with the new aerial. 裝上新天線后畫面清晰多了。
- I am going to have it revised and publish. 我準備修改一下再出版。
- In the picture a man is seen observing a meter. 你在圖中可以看見一個人在觀察儀錶。
- The edges of the picture have been lapped over. 這張照片的邊已經翻折起來了。
- We must find a place for this new picture. 我們必須找一個地方放這張新照片。
- The picture dredged up the sad facts of his past. 這幅畫使他想起傷心的往事。
- It was only yesterday that WCF published pictures of the production car showing its rear lights for the first time. 昨天才周轉基金公布的照片顯示其生產的汽車尾燈首次。
- The paper publish a daily list of stock exchange transaction. 該報紙發布證券交易所每日股票買賣的一覽表。
- The bevel of that picture frame was damaged. 那個鏡框的斜角已被損壞了。