- The pilot manages to glide down to a safe landing. 駕駛員設法使飛機滑行下降安全著陸。
- We need a hoist to lift the concrete blocks. 我們需要一台起重機來吊起混凝土塊。
- In the second sentence the words ""the pilot ladders, mechanical pilot hoists,"" are replaced by the words ""means of embarkation of pilots, nautical publications"". 將第二句中的文字「引航員軟梯、引航員機械升降器、」改為「引航員登船裝置、航海出版物、」。
- The pilot steered for the harbor. 領航員掌舵駛向港囗。
- The trainee pilot flew his first solo today. 那個受訓的飛行員今天首次單獨飛行。
- The pilot reports bad visibility over the airport. 飛行員向機場報告能見度很低。
- The pilot had logged over 200 hours in the air. 這個飛行員的飛行記錄在200小時以上。
- A channel over which pilot signal is transmitted. 可在其上傳輸導頻信號的一種通道。
- Mark used to be a pilot on the Mississippi River. 馬克曾在密西西比河上當過領航員。
- The pilot landed the plane safely. 駕駛員使飛機安全降落。
- This year we are trying a pilot scheme. 今年我們正在試驗一個小規模實驗性計劃。
- The pilot was trying to make contact with his base. 飛行員正試圖與基地聯繫。
- Your job is to pilot the ship into the harbor. 你的工作是引導該船入港。
- The pilot strapped into his seat. 飛行員坐進了自己的座椅並系好皮帶。
- The pilot was grounded for 3 days. 該飛行員被禁飛三天。
- The pilot had to fly blind in this weather. 在這種天氣飛行員只好盲目飛行。
- The pilot managed to glide down to a safe landing. 駕駛員設法使飛機滑行下降安全著陸。
- What are the qualifications for an airline pilot? 當一名民航飛機駕駛員要具備哪些條件?
- An inexperienced pilot can easily stall his plane. 沒有經驗的飛行員很容易使他的飛機失速。
- A man shall hoist sail while the wind is fair. 風好須揚帆。