- Only a few years ago such cases were thought incurable diseases. 僅僅前幾年,這樣的病還認為是不治之症。
- Only a few years ago,the Golden Globes barely got any attention at all. 幾年前金球獎還鮮為人知。
- It was only a few years ago that we all seemed to be worried about inflation. 只不過是幾年前,我們都在擔心通貨膨脹。
- Only a few years ago, the Golden Globes barely got any attention at all. 幾年前金球獎還鮮為人知。
- A recent survey showed that X percent of respondents ranked getting rich as their top priority ,compared to X percent only a few years ago . 最近的一項調查表明,X%25的調查對象把致富作為他們的首選,相比之下,就在幾年前,只有X%25的人這樣想。
- Only a few years ago, rural-urban migration was viewed favorably in the economic development literature. 幾年前,人口從農村向城市的遷移在發展經濟學文獻中被認為是令人振奮的現象。
- One can hardly believe that this paper mill was started from scratch only a few years ago. 很難相信這個造紙廠僅僅是在幾年前白手起家辦起來的。
- Only a few years ago there were few theatres that could house big western-style musicals. 僅僅幾年前,很少有劇團能大房子西方音樂風格。
- Only a few years ago, Chinese consumers made most of their luxury goods purchases abroad. 報告說,僅僅幾年前,中國消費者購買的奢侈品大多是舶來品;
- She is not what she was a few years ago. 她已經不是幾年前的她了。
- Acquisitions that only a few years ago appeared a tad foolhardy now seem super-smart, if expensive. 僅是幾年前出於昂貴而稍顯魯莽的購置,如今卻顯得超智能。
- ONLY a few years ago, to be an avant-garde artist in China was to court trouble with the government. 僅僅幾年之前,當一名先鋒藝術家意味著會招致政府的麻煩。
- He dipped into medicine a few years ago. 他在幾年前曾涉獵過一陣醫學。
- They were given the franchise a few years ago. 數年前他們獲得選舉權。
- These days you seem to be tackling big life endeavors and commitments, ones that only a few years ago would have seemed too daunting to take on. 最近,你似乎開始去承擔和進行一些生活上的責任或者義務,而這些重任,若是倒退幾年,在你看來都是無法完成或者無法想象的。
- A recent survey showed that X percent of respondents ranked ... as their top priority , compared to X percent only a few years ago . 最近的一項調查表明,X%25的調查對象把致富作為他們的首選,相比之下,就在幾年前,只有X%25的人這樣想。
- Air conditioner is not as costly as they thought a few years ago. 空調器不像人們幾年前所想的那麼昂貴了。
- A recent surey showed that X percent of respondents ranked getting rich as their top priority , compared to X percent only a few years ago . 最近的一項調查表明,X%25的調查對象把致富作為他們的首選,相比之下,就在幾年前,只有X%25的人這樣想。
- He took a friend's life a few years ago. 幾年前他殺死了一位朋友。
- A recent survey showed that X percent of respondents ranked getting rich as their top priority , compared to X percent only a few years ago . 最近的一項調查表明,x%25的調查對象把致富作為他們的首選,相比之下,就在幾年前,只有x%25的人這樣想。