- After a hard day 's work, it 's good to unwind . 一天勞累的工作之後,放鬆一下很有好處。
- You came to hunt me up, and deliver me, like a good angel! 你就象一個仁愛的天使一樣來找我,來救我,是不是?
- He' s good at caring for sick animals. 他精心照料生病的牲畜。
- It' s good that your plans chime ( in ) with ours. 你們的計劃和我們的相?合; 真是好極了.
- He 's good at playing Mozart on the piano . 他擅長鋼琴演奏莫扎特的作品。
- Hello, Miss Sun. It?s good to meet you. 你好,孫小姐。很高興認識你。
- Wen grows fat happily under Zhe 's good care. 紋在哲的悉心照顧下快樂的成長著。
- That』s good news for Edson Packaging Machinery. 這是好消息,埃德森包裝機械。
- It??s good for a digital reverb. 它呢?有何好一個數字混響。
- That』s good news, Naida,」 he said. 真是好消息,奈妲。」
- Here』s good news for duelling enthusiasts! 這裡的好消息決鬥愛好者!
- S:Good sir, I beg for mercy and beg your pardon. 夏洛克:仁慈的先生,我乞求你的饒恕和原諒。
- It's good to have exercises inthe openair. 在戶外鍛煉是很有益的。
- It』s good to have your own pursuits. 一自己的追求和愛好是一件不錯的事情。
- It was providence appearing in horrible guise, and his good angel springing from the earth in the form of Thenardier. 這是外表看起來可怕的老天爺,以德納第的形象從地底下鑽出來的善良天使。
- Wen Jiabao also is people\'s good premier! 溫家寶何嘗不是人民的好總理呢!
- Not one of all the Lord 's good promises to the house of Israel failed; every one was fulfilled. 耶和華應許賜福給以色列家的話一句也沒有落空,都應驗了。
- One local, Catherine Muskett, states, 「Obviously it』s good to support pro-life causes.Every little bit counts. 當地人凱瑟琳馬斯凱特說「很顯然地,支持生命權,哪怕只有一點點價值,也是好的。」
- You had your good angels escorting you. That's all I can say. 你們有你們的善良天使保佑。我只能這樣說。
- It might be prudent not to overwork those good angels. 不過還是謹慎點兒,別讓這些善良的天使操勞過度。