- Windows 2000 and later versions of Windows can attempt to close open handles to the shared disk. Windows 2000和更高版本的Windows可嘗試關閉打開的句柄到共享磁碟。
- Notice whether examination ball bearing is quick at the same time, of the door open close deft, frame combines the stainless steel screw that whether uses. 同時注重檢查滾珠軸承是否靈活,門的啟合是否方便輕便,框架組合是否用的不鏽鋼螺絲。
- Today, the two cities, both high-inertia open Prev Close Open integer points for 2900 points, followed by the two indexes higher concussion. 今日兩市雙雙慣性高開,滬指開盤為2900點整數關口,隨後兩市股指震蕩走高。
- Close Open G.P.FaultRestoreDown Maximize RestoreUp MenuCommand SystemAsterisk MenuPopup SystemExclamation Minimize SystemQuestion 9. 關閉註冊表編輯器,回到控制面板的聲音。
- They cited as one step the passage by Congress in 1988 of the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act, which contained some reciprocity provisions and other measures designed to open closed foreign markets to U.S. exports. 他們舉出1998年國會通過「綜合貿易與競爭力法」作為一個例子,該項法案包含某些互惠條款和其他措施,以便開放對美國產品一向關閉的外國市
- Once the appropriate sample size has been determined, the Degas inspector should select sample garments by randomly opening closed cartons. 從一決定性的數量目標來決定檢查員要開箱抽查貨物。
- And the hardware with good quality the every time that can allow cupboard door is opened close issue rule of canorous rhythm He Yun. 而品質優良的五金件能讓櫃門的每一次啟合發出音樂般的節奏和韻律。
- For the page itself, use this event to do final cleanup work, such as closing open files and database connections, or finishing up logging or other request-specific tasks. 對於頁自身,使用該事件來執行最後清理工作,如:關閉打開的文件和資料庫連接,或完成日誌記錄或其他請求特定任務。
- Open a window it's very close in here. 打開窗戶吧--這裡很悶氣。
- After he has closed the window, we open the cage door. 他關了窗之後,我們把籠門打開。
- For many years laser peripheral iridoplasty is a simple and an effective means of opening closed angle when laser iridotomy can not be performed or dose not physically eliminate angle closure. 許多年以來,人們一直尋找各種方法打開房角,降低眼壓。激光周邊虹膜成形術就是簡單而有效的打開房角的方法。
- Pea pods burst open when overripe. 豌豆過熟就會爆裂。
- Open tender for purchasing power transformer. 公開招標購買電力運輸設備。
- We bivouacked on the open plain. 我們在開闊的原野上露營。
- Since mediaeval times, velar and guttural and its opening closing mouth have had many transformations. 中古以來牙喉音及其開合口發生了許多變化。
- Thank you. How long will this offer be open? 謝謝。這個報價的有效期多長?
- Open the shutter and see what the weather is like. 打開百葉窗,看看外面的天氣如何。
- Olympic game's opening closing ceremony admission ticket execution to draw lots an assurance has already become settled situation. 奧運會開閉幕式門票實行抽籤確定已成定局。
- The fresh air blew in from the open window. 新鮮空氣從開著的窗戶吹進來。
- The shop is open from this day onwards. 該店從今天起開始營業。