- From its source, the river first flows southeast to Voronezh, then southwest to its mouth. The main city on the river is Rostov on Don, its main tributary the Donets. 頓河從其源頭起,首先向東南方流向沃羅涅日,然後向西南方向入海,河上主要城市為羅斯托夫,主要支流是頓內次河。
- The four great Siberian rivers are the Ob (3300 miles), the Yenisey (2550 miles, with the Angara as its main tributary), the Lena (2720 miles) and the Amur (Heilongjiang, 2740 miles) which is the boundary river between Russia and China. 西伯利亞地區的主要河流有鄂畢河(3300英里)、葉尼塞河(2550英里,安加拉河為其主要支流)、勒拿河(2720英里)和俄羅斯與中國的界河阿穆爾河(黑龍江,2740英里)。
- County than the lack of water, the main tributary rivers turbid Zhanghe Amoy and Yin Qinghe River around the southern mountain city, a Pingchuan along the North West sector Zhangze Reservoir inflow. 縣內水源較缺,主要河流濁漳河的支流淘清河和蔭城河遍布南部山地,出平川后沿西界北流入漳澤水庫。
- The main tributaries of the River Arita, Youxi, Zhang Kai, and so on. 主要支流有田溪、尤溪、大樟溪等。
- Dan River's main tributaries have Dongdan River, East River, he and other Pakistani public. 丹河的主要支流有東丹河、東大河、巴公河等。
- The main tributaries of the river have vitim, oler quemado River, as well as the Aldan River vilyuy River, and so on. 主要支流有維季姆河、奧廖克馬河、阿爾丹河以及維柳伊河等。
- Construction of dikes on other main rivers should also be strengthened. Second-class flood-control facilities on main tributaries and lakes should also be improved. 其它大江大河也要加強堤防建設,同時,搞好重要支流和湖泊的二類堤防建設。
- Jialing River』s main tributaries of the White House he has spent the temple River, Redcliffe River, a relatively short process, plentiful water. 嘉陵江的主要支流有白家河、花廟河、紅崖河等,流程較短,水量豐沛。
- Jialing River's main tributaries of the White House he has spent the temple River, Redcliffe River, a relatively short process, plentiful water. 嘉陵江的主要支流有白家河、花廟河、紅崖河等,流程較短,水量豐沛。
- River water main tributaries Rakuhoku chapter throughout the Trans-Ma River, the formation of the Northeast high, low-lying south-west. 水洛北河主要支流章麻河橫貫全境,形成東北高、西南低的地勢。
- The Application of Decomposition and Coordination Algorithm for Large-Scale System to the Joint Disposals of Reservoirs on the Main Tributaries of the Yellow River? 大系統分解協調演算法在黃河幹流水庫聯合調度中的應用?
- The satisfactory results from the joint disposal of reservoirs on the main tributaries of the Yellow River are obtained using this model and its algorithm. 應用文中建立的模型和提出的演算法對黃河幹流水庫聯合調度獲得了滿意的成果。
- The main impediment to growth is a lack of capital. 影響發展的主要障礙是缺乏資本。
- Crowds thronged the main square of the city. 城裡的大廣場上擠滿了人群。
- The whole school (was) assembled in the main hall. 全校在大禮堂集合。
- The main feature on the program is her song. 那個節目的主要號召物是她的歌。
- Fables often have animals as the main characters. 寓言常以動物為主角。
- A heavy snowfall block the main road. 一次嚴重的降雪阻塞了主要公路。
- The gas main explode and set fire to the house. 煤氣總管爆炸引起房子失火。
- I grasped the main point of the speech. 我領會了這篇演講的要點。