- In 1999,the Ministry of Justice began to carry out a three-year education program to improve the basic qualities of the prison police. As a result,their level of law enforcement has been markedly improved. 司法部從1999年起計劃用三年時間開展監獄人民警察基本素質教育,監獄人民警察的執法水平有了明顯提高。
- We should tighten supervision over law enforcement,promote the exercise of administrative functions according to law,safeguard judicial justice and raise the level of law enforcement so that laws are strictly implemented. 我們應當加強對執法活動的監督,推進依法行政,維護司法公正,提高執法水平,確保法律的嚴格實施。
- We should tighten supervision over law enforcement, promote the exercise of administrative functions according to law, safeguard judicial justice and raise the level of law enforcement so that laws are strictly implemented. 加強對執法活動的監督,推進依法行政,維護司法公正,提高執法水平,確保法律的嚴格實施。
- Strenthen the Consciousness of Files and Raise the Level of Law Enforcement--About an Administrative Contentious Case which Zhijiang Filing Office Met with 增強檔案意識提高執法水平--對芷江檔案局遭遇行政訴訟案的思考
- One who takes or advocates the taking of law enforcement into one's own hands. 警戒行動者維持或者支持把法律的強制實施控制在自己手中的人
- A body of persons making up such a department, trained in methods of law enforcement and crime prevention and detection and given the authority to maintain the peace, safety, and order of the community. 警察組成這樣一個部門的一群人,他們被專門訓練來掌握執行法律和防止並偵破犯罪行為的方法,被授予維護一個社區的和平、安全和秩序的職權
- The jailer is a corpus that carries out the penalty, is also a corpus of the jail administration, so, whether the principle of legality of the jail administration can be carry through largely decided by the law enforcement level of jailers. 監獄人民警察是執行刑罰的主體,也是監獄管理的主體,監獄管理的法制原則能否得到貫徹關鍵在於監獄人民警察的執法水平。
- A blueprint and an annual plan are to be worked out which should take into consideration such elements as revenue collection, quality of tax collection and administration, level of tax law enforcement, etc. 綜合考慮組織收入、管質量、法水平、伍素質等多方面的因素,賦予基層建設新內容、涵義。
- The special committees of the NPC also conduct various types of examinations of law enforcement work. 全國人大各專門委員會也開展形式多樣的執法檢查。
- The visits,while not acts of law enforcement,help to promote understanding of Hong Kong's anti-transhipment efforts. 聯合觀察訪廠雖然並非執法行動,但有助增進美國方面對香港各項打擊非法轉運措施的了解。
- The women may also be afraid of law enforcement agencies or be reluctant to send the father of their children to prison. 同時她們也可能害怕執法機構或者不願意把孩子的父親送進監獄。
- The capacity of law enforcement and public protective agencies will be strengthened to win public confidence. 執法能力和公共安全機構的能力將予以加強,以贏得公眾的信賴。
- The visits, while not acts of law enforcement, help to promote understanding of Hong Kong's anti-transhipment efforts. 聯合觀察訪廠雖然並非執法行動,但有助增進美國方面對香港各項打擊非法轉運措施的了解。
- The rising level of crime is a sign of the times. 犯罪率增高是這一時代的特徵。
- Unprecedented numbers of law enforcement officers on land, air and water will make securit... 作者:第八號當鋪點擊:241發布時間:一個月前最後評論:一個月前
- In law enforcement, has always adhered to facts, to the principle of law as the criterion, do justly. 在執法中,始終堅持以事實為依據,以法律為準繩的原則,做到秉公執法,文明執法。
- The level of inflation has gone beyond 8%. 通貨膨脹率已經超過了8%。
- Its purpose is to enhance the authoritativeness of the law, legal consciousness and confidence of law enforcement. 它的意義和作用主要在於:增強法律威信,樹立良好形象;增強法律意識,提高公民素質;
- The level of formality determine the precise mode of expression. 不同的禮節程度決定所需的確切表達方式。
- The reorganization also bound by norms and the executive acts, the law enforcement agencies of law enforcement. 此次整頓也同時規範和約束行政機關的行政行為、執法機關的執法行為。