- He alternated between high spirits and low spirits. 他一會兒高興,一會兒沮喪。
- Today everybody is in high spirits and no one is. 今天大家都興高采烈,沒有一個情緒低落的。
- Everyone was in high spirits and the party was a great success. 人人都興高采烈,聚會非常成功。
- Everyone noticed her high spirits and commented upon her happiness. 每個人都注意到了她的興奮,談論著她的高興。
- Today everybody is in high spirits and no one is in low ebb. 今天大家都興高采烈,沒有一個情緒低落的。
- He alternated between high spirits and low spirits . 他一會高興一會沮喪。
- In the face of the challenge of economic globalization, nationality is impossible in the world nation field without high spirit and noble character independence. 面對經濟全球化的挑戰,一個民族,沒有振奮的精神和高尚的品格,很難自立於世界民族之林。
- Henceforth, the teacher shall remain in high spirit and keep every teaching variables under control, such as emotion, language, teaching approach and affective communicating with students, etc. 所以,教師在教學中要始終保持良好的主導情緒,操縱好各種教學變數。如教師的情緒、語言、教學手段、師生情感的溝通等等。
- He was charmed by her vivacity and high spirits. 她的活潑與興高采烈的情緒把他迷住了。
- I grew up in moneyless countryside. I had many difficulties in my childhood. But I became a big boy by high spirits and animation with reforming and opening. 我在一個極為貧窮偏僻的農村長大,從小經歷了難以想象的困境。不過,伴隨著改革開放我不斷成長,變成了一個充滿陽光和朝氣的大男孩。
- Full of mettle;spirited and plucky. 有勇氣的,精神抖擻的
- In addition to a small number of older and frail persons, the vast majority are in high spirits and encouraging each other, help each other on the destination. 除了少數年齡較大和體弱者外,絕大部分都興緻勃勃地互相鼓勵、互相扶持著登上了目的地。
- Full of mettle; spirited and plucky. 有勇氣的,精神抖擻的
- He talks in such an open and direct way. 他說話向來開誠布公。
- I am glad to always find her in high spirits. 我對經常看到她情緒高漲感到很高興。
- He left the house in high spirits. 他興高采烈地離開了屋子。
- He was asked to take command and direct operations. 他奉命統率並指揮作戰行動。
- She sent him off in high spirits. 她興高采烈地為他送行。
- To watch over and direct;supervise. 看管,指導;監督
- Klitz, I can't act and direct, okay? Klitz, 我不能自己導自己演, 知道嗎?