"a high-level official"
"a high-level corporate briefing"
"upper-level management"
occurring at or from a relative high altitude;
"high-level bombing"
用作形容詞 (adj.)
Only ambitious eagle flying in high sky can see the first sunshine on the horizon. 只有翱翔在萬米高空的雄鷹,才能看見地平線的第一縷陽光。
From the south bank of the water popal and alder and ash and horse-chestnut let high liquid cur-tains of lemon and bronze. 湖的南岸,白楊,赤楊,槐木,七木樹等模糊一片,氳氤溟濛,橄欖黃與青銅色相間,猶如懸在高空的水簾。
It has something unique to offer lay people seeking high level practice and teachings but unwilling or unable to ordain as monks or nuns permanently. 尼瓦佛教有一些獨特地方,如提供在家人,那些不願也不想受剃度而成為永久性出家比丘與比丘尼去尋求更高階層的修行與教導。
What is a specialist or senior level role within a company? 在一家公司內的一個專家或高級的水平角色是什麼?
I want to buy some jasmine tea of high quality to bring back home. 我要買點高級的茉莉花茶帶回家。