- The worker approaches questions from the socialist standpoint;the peasant』s viewpoint is petty bourgeois. 工人是從社會主義者立場來考慮問題的,而農民的觀點則是小資產階級式的。
- I got this ticket for free from sb who didn't want it. 我這張票沒花錢; 是別人不要的.
- In Heidegger』s viewpoint, the memory develops from the oblivion of Being.Thus, the authentic temporality or super-history comes to the inauthentic temporality or history. 胡塞爾從海德格式的記憶出發,他建立了內在時間流理論,以致再有胡塞爾式之遺忘與回憶問題。
- For more on Fres-Co's view of using PLA, see sidebar, PLA: A converter』s viewpoint. 欲了解更多關於頻率鈷的看法使用解放軍,見側欄,解放軍: A轉換器的觀點。
- They were acting on instructions from above (= from sb in a higher position of authority). 他們是在按照上級的指示辦事。
- SA8000 is the global first morals norm attestation standard, the people"s viewpoint to it is different. SA8000作為全球首個道德規範認證標準,人們對它的看法也褒貶不一。
- The anxious that accumulate billabong becomes aware notch goes 612 teams take learn from sb else's experience. 積沼愁覺槽口去612隊取取經了。
- The women who is keep in touch with several boys will be full of complaints once we estrange from sb. 那些腳踩幾條船的女人一旦我們疏遠她們就對我們充滿怨言抱怨。
- It's therefore more important to teach the young of each generation tolerance and respect for other 's viewpoint first than multi-culturalism. 因此,要推行多元文化,首先更重要的是教育年青一代寬容、尊重他人的觀點。
- Marx"s viewpoint towards nature attracts people"s research view because of its plentiful ecological philosophy inside it. 而馬克思的自然觀因其內蘊豐富的生態哲學思想吸引了人們的研究視線。
- However we need to forget that to benefit gained from sb's wisdom now, because go as each years, it becomes more truthless. 然而現在我們需要忘掉那個教益,因為隨著每一年過去,它都變得更不真實。
- The thesis explores how the Zweig』s viewpoint on war forms and its intension on the basis of Zweig』s anti-war novels and biographies. 本文以茨威格的反戰小說和傳記作品為基礎,主要探討了其戰爭觀的形成和內涵。
- From parent s viewpoint, the parent participation motivation in Pingdong County is generally good, but the actual operation needs further improvement. 所分析探討的文獻包含國內外組織氣候與教師工作滿意度及家長參與動機之相關研究;
- The synthetic method of antinomy glycolate from Sb 2O 3 and excess HOC 2H 4OH with benzene as water carrying agent was studied by orthogonal experiment design. 以過量的乙二醇與三氧化二銻進行脫水反應,用苯為帶水劑將生成的水帶出,反應產物通過定性分析證明為乙二醇銻。
- An overwhelming majority of previous hazmat transportation literatures mainly focused on such problem with a carrie』s viewpoint, which ignore the effect of the government. 以往的文獻研究一般只是從運輸商的角度處理危險品運輸網路設計問題,而忽視了政府和運輸商的互相作用。
- I look at this problem from a different viewpoint. 我從不同的觀點來看這個問題。
- But in the actual situation, the contribution degree which cans produce to the enterprise or the organization, depends on the employee』s viewpoint and cognition to the system. 但是在實務中,任何制度的推行對於企業或是組織所能產生的貢獻程度,往往都是取決於員工本身對於制度的看法或認知。
- In the second chapter, the author"s viewpoint is that the NVOCC owns both the status as the carrier and shipper while at the same time, he has his own limited character. 在本文第二章「無船承運人的法律地位」中,筆者的觀點認為無船承運人兼具承運人和託運人的地位,而同時又具有其自己的特性。
- According to the Simon Kuznets and H.Chenery 's viewpoint, the change and the promotion of region industrial structure is the intrinsic symbol of the region economic development. 按照庫茨涅茨和錢納里的觀點,發展是經濟結構的成功轉變,將這一觀點應用到區域經濟學,區域經濟發展是區域產業結構的轉變,區域產業結構的變動和升級是區域經濟發展的內在標誌。
- In the light of Danto』s viewpoint, in case 「what is the nature of art」 was brought forward in modern art, art history was to the end in post-historical era. 一方面,柏拉圖作為形而上學的政治家,不僅把詩人「驅逐」出了理想國,而且將藝術逐出了理念領域,從而規避了藝術本體論的建構;