- It is not known when the first volume was compiled. 編錄第一卷的時間現在尚不知曉。
- The first volume goes down to the end of the war. 第一卷寫到戰爭結束。
- The first volume contains a forceful attack against psychologism. 在第一部中就包含了對於心理主義的有力攻擊。
- This compendium became the first volume of 9 Yum Jen Ging. 這個彙編,成為首卷9蔭仁靜。
- The sequel had been merely blocked out when the first volume went to press. 第一卷付印時下面的一卷才構思好。
- The first volume focuses on the study of Haoran and Poem Ousia Study. 上編是對孟浩然及其詩歌的本體研究。
- This is the creation of Tolstoy's first volume rank voluminous novel. 這是托爾斯泰創作的第一部卷秩浩繁的長篇小說。
- The first volume: The advantage sets up Pu Te (Lilliput) the travel notes. 幫忙翻譯一下擺脫了 10第一卷:利立浦特(小人國)遊記。
- Returning to the text of the first volume edition of 1848 and featuring the original Phiz illustrations. 商品問答:本欄目僅解答針對本商品相關的問題,其他問題請到客服在線解答。
- The first volume of her work was published posthumously in 1890 and the last in 1955. 她的第一部詩歌作品集出版於她身後的1890,最後一部於1955出版。
- Ilg and Carol Chase Habber.It was the first volume of the 1-7-year-old school children learning model research series. Ilg,CarolChaseHabber,本書為一至七歲學齡孩童學習模式研究之叢書第一冊。
- Letters between Hannah Arendt, a female philosopher of the 20th century and Karl Jaspers, a male philosopher are the first volume rich in content and published completely. 20世紀一位女哲學家漢娜?阿倫特與一位男哲學家卡爾?雅斯貝爾斯之間的書信往來是迄今西方思想史上第一個內容豐富的、得以完整發表的書信集。
- For instance, the US Nuclear Forces and Capability, the first volume of the Nuclear Weapons Databook, written by Tomas B. 例如,1984年托馬斯.
- This book is the first volume which includes 10 sets of simulation tests, free accompanying CD, tapescript and answer keys. 全書包括全真模擬自測、聽力理解分項練習、語法結構分項練習、閱讀理解分項練習、綜合填空分項練習共5冊。
- In this first volume of the seven volume series spanning 26 episodes, the orphaned Yang Gor is taken to Chuen Jun Clan to learn kung fu. 由於楊過擁有出色的武功天賦,所以很快便已精通古墓派的武功,而且,與小龍女日夕相對,漸漸產生深厚感情。
- The errors, too, while serious, were arguably less egregious than one in the first volume, which declared California to be an island. 這些錯誤雖然嚴重,但和第1卷中誤把加利福尼亞當成一座島嶼的錯誤相比,相對輕一些。
- For the first volume, we have general comment, worship comment, strengthen from inside, and picture for the twelve momentums. 上卷有總論、膜論、內壯論、十二勢圖等。
- Her first poems were published in literary magazines in the early 1930s, but her first volume of prose poems appeared in 1936. 她的第一本詩集在1930年代早期出版,但她的第一本散文詩集在1936年出版。
- One of the most popular manga authors is Yoshinori Kobayashi, whose first volume of his series 「On War」 sold nearly 1m copies. 其中一位最著名的漫畫作者是小林善紀。他的「戰爭論」系列第一冊銷量就達近百萬冊。
- Not until he was fifty-eight years old was his first volume of verse published, and he was sixty-four when the first part of his stupendous epic poem, "The Dynasts," startled the literary world. 一直到他五十八歲時他的第一部詩集才出版,六十四歲時,他的巨著、史詩劇《列王》第一部震動了文壇。