Fear of the consequences preyed on her mind. 她擔心其後果而惴惴不安。
The nurse walked on tiptoe for fear of waking the patient. 護士踮著腳走,生怕吵醒病人。
She is obsessed with (by) fear of unemployment. 她被失業的恐懼所困擾。
The fear of being discovered was his constant companion. 他總提心弔膽的,擔心被人發現。
She has a great fear of fire. 她對火有恐懼感。
Repentance for sin motivated by fear of punishment rather than by love of God. 不徹底的懺悔出於害怕被懲罰而對自己罪的懊悔,並非出於對上帝的愛
The fear of intellectuals to be seen as advocates of reason is the final treason of the clerks. To be cowardly under fire is understandable, but to cower when there is a world to be taught(and to learn from) is contemptible. 害怕知識分子被看作理智的倡導者,這是知識分子對知識和道德價值的最終貶低。在炮火襲擊下畏縮尚可理解,而面對一個需要教導(也可從中學習)的世界卻當懦夫則是卑鄙的。