- Demand or take bribes; extort or accept bribes 索賄受賄
- There is a policy not to offer, pay, solicit or accept bribes in any form to or from customers. 我們有明確的政策,不得以任何方式與客戶之間有提供、支付、要求或接受賄賂的行為。
- Article 4 Judges shall be honest and clean, and unselfishly devoted to public duty, and shall not embezzle money or accept bribes. 第四條 法官應當清正廉明,克己奉公,不得貪污受賄。
- (6) to extort and racketeer, or to demand or accept bribes; (六)敲詐勒索或者索取、收受賄賂;
- Stiff fines or jail terms for persons offering or accepting bribes diminish their incomes. 對行賄或受賄的人罰以重金或給予監禁,能減少他們的收入。
- Still, nearly every week, in separate investigations, the Chinese authorities announce that a government official has been fired for corruption, embezzlement or accepting bribes. 然而,在各種獨立調查中,中國權威部門幾乎每周都宣布某位政府官員由於腐化墮落、盜用公款或接受賄賂而落馬。
- He is so honest that he will not accept bribe. 他忠誠老實,不肯受賄。
- Extorting or accepting property from enterprises or seeking any other illicit gains during the issuance, administration, supervision or inspections of work safety licenses. (五)在安全生產許可證頒發、管理和監督檢查工作中,索取或者接受企業的財物,或者謀取其他利益的。
- They shall not extort or take bribes, practice favouritism, commit malpractice, neglect their duties, or fail to collect or undercollect the amount of tax payable. 不得索賄受賄、徇私舞弊、玩忽職守、不征或者少征應徵稅款;不得濫用職權多徵稅款或者故意刁難納稅人和扣繳義務人。
- "They shall not extort or take bribes, practice favouritism , commit malpractice, neglect their duties, or fail to collect or undercollect the amount of tax payable. 不得索賄受賄、徇私舞弊、玩忽職守、不征或者少征應徵稅款;
- The Client can refuse or accept it for execution. 顧客有權拒絕接收新價格或同意按新價格履行指令。
- Any suggestion that I accept bribe will be a monstrous slur. 誰說我受賄就是對我惡意中傷。
- To teach to obey rules or accept authority. 使遵守準則,使服從權威
- Change it or accept it! No complain(ing)! 改變他;或者接受他.;不要抱怨!
- i) demanding or accepting bribes by usurping his official position; (一)利用職務上的便利,索取或者收受賄賂;
- General application or acceptance; universality. 普遍性普遍適用或普遍接受; 世界性
- Article27 Doctors shall not take advantage of their positions to extort or illegally accept the patients' property or seek other illegitimate gains. 第二十七條醫師不得利用職務之便,索取、法收受患者財物或者牟取其他不正當利益。
- The act of presuming or accepting as true. 推測; 假定推測或認定某事是真實的行為
- Some cadres hold the misconception that it a crime to give or accept bribes, But it is no crime to dine and wine extravagantly at public expenses 有些幹部錯誤地認為,收受賄賂是犯罪,而公款吃喝算不上犯罪
- An extortionist or a blackmailer. 勒索者,敲詐者