a wild and exciting undertaking (not necessarily lawful)
any carefree episode
用作名詞 (n.)
I never attached any serious importance to this escapade. 我從來沒有對這個逃亡事件怎麼重視。
The reckoning with his wife at the end of an escapade was something he counted on. 他所指望的就是在一次越軌行為終了時同他妻子算帳。
The whole school knew every detail of this mad escapade. 全校對這場瘋狂的惡作劇的全部細節知道得一清二楚。
He felt more like laughing at the child's escapade than scolding him, but, solemn as an owl, he got through the necessary reprimand. 那孩子的惡作劇與其說讓他責罵,倒不如說讓他啼笑皆非,然而,他還是起來進行了必要的懲戒。