- In video disk, a consecutive sequence of frames. 在視頻光碟上,一種連續的幀序列。
- An identification record for a tape or disk file. 磁帶或磁碟文件的標識說明記錄。
- The computer disk is sent in a sealed container. 計算機軟盤裝在密封的盒裡寄出。
- I have no disk that may interest you. 我沒有一張唱片能引起你的興趣。
- There are several sectors unusable in this disk. 這張磁碟有幾個扇區壞了。
- Have you recorded the data in disk? 你已把那些數據存儲到磁碟上了嗎?
- You can't copy your file with this disk; it's full. 你不能用這張磁碟拷文件,這張盤滿了。
- A flat disk used as an ornament. 銀幣飾一種用作裝飾的平盤
- There was an error getting a physical disks disk signature 獲得物理磁碟的磁碟簽名出錯
- Pertaining to disk packs which are interchangeable on any drive. 用於修飾或說明在任何磁碟機上均可交換使用的磁碟組。
- Can not save them to a network drive or a floppy disk. 無法將它們保存到一個網路驅動器或一個軟盤。
- The plastic or cardboard container that holds a floppy disk. 磁碟套子裝軟磁碟片的塑料套或紙板套
- Let's tag the disk now or else we'll forget which is which. 我們先給這些磁碟加上標籤吧,不然我們就記不清哪個是哪個了。
- The attack is to wipe out data, to delete flies, or to format the hard disk. 常見的攻擊方式是消除數據、刪除文件或者格式化硬碟。
- Insert a diskette into one of your computer's disk drive, as describe on page1. 如第1頁所述,把一張軟盤插入計算機的磁碟驅動器中。
- We make copies of our computer disks as a safeguard against accidents. 我們複製了計算機磁碟以防意外。
- Stellite 6 or cobalt free seats and discs. 鎢鉻鈷合金6或無鈷閥座和閥瓣。
- Disks are a hack, not a design feature. 磁碟是一種設備,而不是設計功能。
- The moon when only half its disk is illuminated. 半月月輪只能被看到一半時的月亮
- They are best used to encrypt files on a hard disk. 它們最習慣於加密儲存在硬碟上的文件。