- What was the directional flow of U. S. 美國的領土擴張是朝哪個方向的?
- What was the directional flow of U. S. Territorial expansion? 美國的領土擴張是朝哪個方向的?
- What was the directional flow of territorial expansion? 美國的領土擴張是朝哪個方向的?
- The accountant's task is to remember clearly the directional flow of capital. 會計的任務就是要記清資金的流向。
- The direct flow of goods from receipt to shipping, bypassing storage. 從收貨到發運的直接貨物流動,越過了倉儲環節。
- Some languages provide keywords that enable you to modify the directional flow of method parameters. 某些語言提供使您能夠修改方法參數的方向流的關鍵字。
- Because of the circuitous and directional flow of waterways, railways often have an energy advantage over barges. 由於河道迂迴曲折且水流具有方向性;因而鐵路運輸較之水運;常常具有節能優勢.
- The unloader is a valve that directs flow to either the nozzle or to bypass. 減壓器是一個將水引流至噴嘴或旁路的閥門。
- The seat area of the integral body design minimizes pockets where material can accumulate. Illustration above shows direct flow configuration. Reverse flow options are available. 整體閥體結構的閥座區域能夠最大限度消除可能產生淤積的死角。上列插圖顯示直接流向結構。可以提供逆流或倒流結構供選擇。
- The two media hotels are conjoined to the MPC, allowing for direct flow between media work space and living quarters, setting a precedent for the Olympic Games, Sha said. MPC攝影工作間也可容納250名記者進行工作,並按慣例向記者免費提供所有大型鏡頭。
- The present invention avoids the direct flow of scruff from the first sediment tank and the second sediment tank to the digestion tank to raise its utilization rate. 本發明一沉池和/或二沉池的浮渣輸送回曝氣沉砂池進行收集,由於曝氣沉砂池收集的浮渣含水率比較低,避免了一沉池、二沉池收集的含水率高的浮渣直接流入消化池,提高了消化池的有效利用率。
- Digital Prepress Flow Fitting into Enterprises Development 選擇適合企業自身的數字化印前流程
- This flow fits for design reuse oriented block development, and the HEC block set can be easily reused in the asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) chip design. 文中採用的設計流程適於開發設計再利用的模塊,得到的差錯控制模塊組適於在非同步傳遞方式處理晶元設計中再利用。
- A confluent small-pox had in all directions flowed over his face. 天花打四面八方匯合攏來,布滿了他整個臉孔。
- A confluent small-pox had in all directions flowed over his face . 天花打四面八方匯合攏來,布滿了他整個臉孔。
- Look for bass close to, but out of, the direct flow of the current.Shoreline objects such as stumps or logs serve as current breaks;bass will hold on the downstream side of these objects. 在急流的邊緣搜尋鱸魚時,岸邊阻斷水流的物體如樹樁,倒下的圓木的下方的回水灣是鱸魚喜歡的藏身地。
- For a time,surface and subsurface current are in opposite directions;flow is seaward at the surface and landward near the bottom. 在一個時期,表層和次表層的水流方向相反;表層水流向外海方向流動,靠近底層的水流則向陸地方向流動。
- She cast her eyes down to avoid direct eye contact. 她垂下雙目以避免對視。
- I'll book you on a direct flight to London. 我將為你預訂直飛倫敦的航班。
- He has chosen the most direct route. 他選取了最直的路線。