- the dim light of dawn; the first faint rays of dawn 晨光熹微
- We sat before the window watching the paleness of light of dawn. 我們坐在窗前,看著晨曦的微光。
- The sky was suffused with the pale light of dawn. 天空泛著黎明的曙光。
- The blood - red light of dawn flared on her face. 鮮紅的朝霞照亮了她的臉。
- They set out at the first light of dawn. 開剛拂曉,他們就出發了。
- A wake flicker of silver light of dawn appears on the window. 窗上已顫動著銀白的曙光。
- Dublin lay enveloped in darkness but for the dim light of the moon that shone through fleecy clouds, casting a pale light as if approaching dawn over the streets and the dark waters of the Liffey River. 然而,一束明滅的月光透過毛茸茸的雲朵,放射微微的亮色,恰如黎明蒞臨街市,照亮利夫河深深的河水一樣。
- Their feet are rosy-red. The early light of dawn is on their faces. 他們的腳像玫瑰般紅。熹微的晨光照在他們臉上。
- There had been a skirmish in the half light of dawn. 天朦朦亮的時候曾經有過一場小規模的戰鬥。
- Give me how to sit by your side, and bid my lips to do the work that can be done in silence and in dim light of stars. 容許我坐在你的旁邊,容許我的唇兒做那在沉默中、在星辰的微光中能做的工作吧。
- They spread their mats in the courtyard in the dim light of the early moon, and sat and talked of strange lands. 他們在新月的微光中在院里攤開席子,坐著談論異地的風光。
- They spread their mats in the courtyard in the dim light of the early moon, and sat.and talked of strange lands. 他們就著新月的微光,在院里攤開席子,坐著談論異性的風光。
- She could see only the outline(s) of the trees in the dim light. 朦朧中她只看見樹木的輪廓。
- I then spoke on a Christmas theme in the dim light of a kerosene lantern with as much enthusiasm as I could muster. 然後,我就在煤油燈的微弱光線下,用我可以做到的最大的激情,跟他們講關於聖誕節的事情。
- Small as the room was, the corners were dusky and shadowy in the dim light of the cauliflower-headed candle. 儘管房間很小,在那花椰菜頭似的蠟燭的昏暗光線里,各個角落還是黑暗朦朧的。
- The marchers jumped off at the crack of dawn. 行軍隊伍在破曉時出發了。
- They spread their mats in the courtyard in the dim light of the early moon,and sat and talked of strange lands. 在新月暗淡的清光中,他們在院里鋪開席子,坐著談論陌生的國度。
- What the dim light of night returns is tired, here static efface of quiet and secluded. 夜色歸來的倦怠,在這裡被靜靜抹去。
- She got up at the crack of dawn. 天剛亮她便起床了。
- At that time, in the uncertain light of dawn, that way passed Curtis Raidler, the Nueces County cattle man. 那當兒,在熹微的晨光中,紐西斯郡的牧場主,柯蒂斯·雷德勒碰巧走過。